TBD on Ning

Do you or do you know anyone who has testicular cancer? What age? My son is 21. He was just diagnosed with it. He will be having more testing done to see if it spread. He will be doing chemo therapy. Also please pray for him. Thanks.

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Lance Armstrong (Tour de France winner several times) had Testicular cancer at the age of 25...

I had it when I was about 23 or so. This was way back in the '70s so I'm pretty sure the treatment is more sophisticated today. I had like two weeks of antibiotics and then a biopsy. Bad outcome and it was removed. Two weeks later a lymphectomy to be sure it didn't spread. Cancer free since then. Good luck to him. Email me you want any of my ancient input....I think treatment has changed a bunch.
Yes, a very good friend of mine was diagnosed with testicular cancer while in the Navy several years ago. He was castrated and received 100% disability from the Navy. 5 years later, with no reoccurring cancers, he was pronounced 'cured'.
Awesome, thanks.

Madhatterat60 said:
Yes, a very good friend of mine was diagnosed with testicular cancer while in the Navy several years ago. He was castrated and received 100% disability from the Navy. 5 years later, with no reoccurring cancers, he was pronounced 'cured'.
Thanks so much.

stillgoing said:
I had it when I was about 23 or so. This was way back in the '70s so I'm pretty sure the treatment is more sophisticated today. I had like two weeks of antibiotics and then a biopsy. Bad outcome and it was removed. Two weeks later a lymphectomy to be sure it didn't spread. Cancer free since then. Good luck to him. Email me you want any of my ancient input....I think treatment has changed a bunch.
I heard that, thanks for reminding me.

Gerald (Jerry) K Farrell said:
Lance Armstrong (Tour de France winner several times) had Testicular cancer at the age of 25...

Thats not good man, please keep us informed of his progress, its a tough one!
A friend of ours had it 2 years ago when he was in his early 30's, he had one of his testicles removed and they got all of the cancer and he has been cancer-free since then. I hope this will be the outcome with your son too.
It does seem to be one of those cancers that pops up early.

I have a friend who had it in his 20's. They caught it early and managed to salvage enough working bits so that he was able to have kids later.

It's a scary one (most men would rather lose pretty much any other part of their body except their giblets) but does respond well to treatment.
Yeah I hear ya. Sure is scary. But it is one of the most treatable cancers. My son saved his sperm too. Thanks.
Thanks so much, they said it is one of the most treatable cancers. He saved his sperm too.
I had a lump in my early 40's after a vasectomy. My doc said it was unlikely since testicular cancer overwhelmingly occurs as a young man, he said it was no doubt backup from the vasectomy.

You son is in my thoughts, it's a highly curable disease.




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