TBD on Ning

So here we are looking around, taking a peek... hanging out.

On some thread a bit ago, some one said how annoying the FB was with all the trivial updating goings on.

Personally, I don't think my daily updating is all that interesting but some times I really feel the need to share.  My kitties don't give a whit and the bird...well, he lives in his own world.  His updates would mostly involve "lived another day"..."got some of that shredded stuff again (cheese)"  etc.

Mostly, I have you fine folks to droll on about my meager existence and occasional moments of wonderful.


So, here you go...Keep it brief...mundane with a bit of intrigue.

Tags: adventures IRL, just livin', let's bug Bob

Views: 16189

Replies to This Discussion

You should see what the cat did to my husband's chair , brand new too . We were down near Bangor for his radiation treatments and would come home on weekends and feed the cat. I covered my furniture with quilts. They're easy enough to wash. Even so I'm never going to declaw the cat. Tuff beans , we'll just make do.
Playing beat the clock with the weather as far as painting the outside sun porch. Might go hunting fabric. Since I picked a depressed area to live in and even if I didn't I would still focus my community investments around the library. The head librarian accepted all the books and DVDs I picked out  to donate for the permanent collection. For me it's fun to see what can be done in a situation like this to make things better. But then I'm warped. I like feeling needed. The cat is running his tail gently back and forth over my bare feet and the kitchen is just about gadzooks just awful.
I do volunteer work at my local Library and donations of books, movies, and music are so needed and so appreciated! Thank you for doing that.

I've volunteered there too. Actually I was getting my brownie points while browsing through the stacks and piles of books kind of distracted by my own curiosity. Sort of like having a sweet tooth and working at the candy store.

The latest book that I'm coveting is in a Daedalus catalog and it's written by a women who helped to restore Monet's garden. I gave a couple of catalogs to the head librarian because a few of the books that I donated came from there and they're mad cheap! Try salebooks.com .


Besides anytime I want to read the books that I donated, odds are I'll be able to borrow them so it makes tremendous sense to do this for me.

That's really cool about the library donations, Merry. I'm enjoying hearing about your life these days. :-)

=-) I've been invited to be a "Friend of the Library" and go to the board meeting on the 27th. The kitchen is not up to snuff although I sprayed it down with a mix of white vinegar and water and scrubbed and washed all the dishes before making more banana bread. Made an extra healthy dinner tonight. UMMMM sanded and painted windows on the sunporch and am dreaming of just tearing it down and replacing it with a passive solar green house to help phase out the use of oil in my home. Also want to side the house and the roof NEEDS painting. It's metal. Never know, it might happen. I'm trying to find the Mennonite community that put the roof on for my neighbor after a contractor screwed him over but they don't remember how to get in touch with them. They're trustworthy and hard working and good craftsman. I hope to God I find some Mennonites close enough to help out. I'm planning that for the spring , bank willing lol.

Bought some pastel fresh water pearls and earrings and played dress up with my wardrobe to see what fits, what goes together, what needs to be tossed and what needs a new twist. I don't want to buy more.I'm not a sophisticated fashion consumer. I just want to look good ,dammit. At least not scary. Is that too much to ask?

Merry, you are the cutest d@mned thing. Absolutely delightful! Thank you for gracing us w/your presence. Sophisticated fashion consumer or not. '-)
Had my coffee...heading to work. Those 30 steps or so to my office are killer :-)
Have you thought about taking public transportation to work?
Reply by P.A. 1 hour ago
Have you thought about taking public transportation to work?


An elevator might be a consideration :-)
How about one of those lift chairs that attaches to the stair railing?

Take smaller steps Quinn......





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