TBD on Ning

You start a rumor about me and then the next person starts a rumor about someone else...

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z wears nut hugger jeans so tight it looks like he has camel toes. lol snort chuckle snort
Ivy doesn't wear any clothes... she spray paints herself... look closely
z and Ivy are going steady.
Red and SG are going steady, I hear Red proposed!!
z and Ivy are entering the dance marathon at the nudist camp.
red walks along the beach and steps on all the sand castles that were made
z pee's in the swimming pool.
kevin is a transvestite
Red One enjoys living on the Puget Sound. His nickname is "pungent round".
Larry is a morfidite.
Red One is training for the Olympic skipping team.
s.g. has got religion and is going to become a priest so he can go to the convent and watch the nuns take a shower.




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