TBD on Ning

i've seen bits and pieces of it but i'm watchin these talkin heads now who are sayin that john good the last witness who actually did see zimmerman on the ground and treyvon on top whoopin him mma style ( which means mixed martial arts like ufc or ultimate fightin champinship ) has opened the door for the prosecution because he said maybe zimmerman could have wriggled free . which would mean that he didn't have to shoot trevon because he wasn't in imminent danger .. as if he could have just gotten away as easy as snappin your fingers ..but the thing is tho if you knew what zimmerman had said in his deposition when he was arrested ( yes he was arrested , a lot of people think he wasn't but he was , and he was questioned for 5 hours , and they took his clothes for evidence ) he said treyvon saw the gun in his jacket in the holster and tried to take it from him and they grappled over the gun and it went off .. so i'm not sure how zimmerman could have prevented that unless he just handed the gun over to a guy who's beatin your brains out .. but does that make sense to anyone here ?/ hey lemme give you my gun so you'll stop beatin me and you can shoot me instead ok?? ..  they should get some guys who have done their homework on this event to commentate .. 

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and no cresty zimmerman was not wrong to persue martin .. as a neighborhood watch thats what he's supposed to do .. not confront .. if you remember on the 911 tapes they were askin him where martin went . and he said he didn't know cause he lost sight of him .. all zimmerman wanted to do was a get a visual from a distance of where martin was .. as a citizen you have the right to be on any public street that a suspicious person does .. if you didn't then only suspicious people would be allowed out on the street and you'd have to stay home and lock your doors .. unless there's some kind of emergency even the police have no right to order you off the street .. so the persue theory is blown way out of proportion..and yet i keep hearin it over and over and over .. today on fox news ( its the only channel thats carryin the trial thats a live feed to my roku .. i was gettin abc in orland but they stopped broadcastin it for some reason i'm not sure of in my area) anyway the news anchor was sayin the same exact thing about how zimmerman was wrong because he was ordered to stand down by the police .. and one of the talkin heads a retired cop said no you're wrong and they got into a little tift on the air and then went back to the trial .. when they came back she had gotten the truth and had to correct herself .. first off she said i was wrong , zimmerman was never ordered by the police to stand down .. he was talkin to the non emergency dispatcher and it was suggested that he don't follow ... and the dispatcher had no authority to make zimmerman comply .. so she had to admit that she had the story all wrong .. and she's a fox news anchor .. how long has this story been goin on for now ?? and she's been reportin it ?? it makes you wonder how many other newsreaders and newswriters are just sayin what they think and not checkin the facts here .. this is a national news channel . not some bfe channel thats broadcastin to 5 farmers and 11 cows and 3 acres of corn ..  

Maybe this has been discussed earlier.....but why do they always show a pic of the Martin boy when he was so much younger? Are we to believe no one has taken a pic of him in the last five years? We see who he was then; who was he now? I am of no opinion here, since that is for the jury to decide. All I know is.....every night some young black man is killed in Chicago, and no one hears about it. Because it is a black-on-black crime. Is his life any less important or precious than Treyvon's? I firmly believe if it weren't for the racial implications and the fact the crime involved one of those guns the govt hates so much......none of us would be talking about this.
Do you really think the government hates guns? How does that work with the fact that they will not enact the most basic regulations on guns? Not even a background check on felons and the mentally ill can pass in congress.

far as the government hatin guns goes no .. but there are blocks of people who do think if they remove the guns from the equation that all murders will cease .. i agree with you p.a. on the backround checks so we're not completely at odds over this whole gun thing .. i just think that there are millions of people in the usa who own guns and have never shot anybody and don't plan to .. probably 99% of the legal gun owners .. it's that 1% or less that create all the problems .. and of course the ones who aquire them illegally .. and gun control won't stop that .. i agree with you 110% that crazy people like adam lanza shouldn't have guns .. but then his mom wasn't crazy and he killed her and stole all her guns and then shot up the sandy hook school .. how does gun control stop that ?? that fucktard who shot up the theatre in colorado was crazy too but nobody did anything about it ..the school knew but they all went on vacation .. not their problem .. its one thing to think somebody is crazy .. quite another to get em declared crazy .. with mental health clinics shuttin down at a record pace i don't see that changin anytime soon .. maybe if one of em is just smart enough but still crazy enough to get their hands on a nuke that will make em open up some more clinics ?? but till then there will always be wingnuts that will slip thru the cracks .. and unless we as a nation get serious about mental health they are all gonna be loose cannons that will go off from time to time .. its not so much the regulations on guns as it is the regulations on the people we know that shouldn't have them ..   

you hit on the very thing that made me want to learn more about this whole case karin . i found it very strange that they couldn't find a more up to date pic of treyvon .. and on one hand would say what a wonderful child he was .. and an honor roll student goin on to a career in aeronautics while at the same time he had been suspended from school 3 times at the halfway point of the school year .. and as soon as this jumped off they sealed his school records , closed his twitter account and closed his facebook account so all his social media which would have been a good look at what a wonderful boy he was was closed ..yet they kept sayin how good he was .. well don't tell me that .. unseal them records and let his deeds and actions speak for themselves .. but they won't .. and why won't they ?/ because he wasn't an honor roll student and wasn't gonna be havin a career in aeronautics .. and i also said look at all the shootins in chicago every damm day .. but in chicago thats black on black 99 times out of 100 .. the biggest cause of death for black males between the age of 16 to 35 is murder , by another black male .. so what does that say about the black community ?/ should white people butt in and try and stop it ?? whats the answer ?? i'm not sure .. as far as treyvon goes this case got the notoriety it did because he was under 18 , ( not that a lot of them in chicago ain't under 18 too because they are ) but treyvon was shot by a white guy so that was new ( at least in the last 30 years or so anyway ..not that i'm sayin it was right before the equal rights act was signed by lbj in 65 cause it wasn't ) but a lot of them felt zimmderman was gettin away with murder .. i mean he admitted he did it . didn't try to deny it or run away from the crime .. but because they saw the scene and what he looked like they knew he had been attacked and didn't think they could make the charges stick so they declared it a case of self defense and from there the stand your ground plea was invoked which pissed off the whole community black and white .. but more black than white because they thought it was a case of racism also which it was not ..at its very core was and is the right to protect yourself if you are violently attacked .. so here we are now .. and there have been a lot of things that have been brought in like red herrings like why did he follow treyvon which have no bearing on the self defense .. i know most people want to believe it does but it don't .. all that matters now is did zimmerman perceive himself to be in grave danger ?? if he did then he had every right to defend himself with whatever means necessary .. period .. so for the most part this whole trial is a sham .. now they may rewrite the law at some point down the road but that won't count here .. only the cases that come after they do change the law .. if they do .. i know that sounds very simplistic because of all the legal wranglin thats goin on in court now but in the end the judge will have to instruct the jury did zimmerman really perceive himself to be in grave danger or not .. if they think he didn't think he was in danger then they'll vote guilty .. if they think he did think he was in danger they'll vote innocent .. if you listen to the 911 tapes of the guy screamin for help it sure sounds like he was scared to me ..  

Couple of things bother me about this case.  First, if Martin was such a great student, why would his defense counsel have his school records sealed?  Surely if he was the Honor student as claimed, such a record would work to show an innocent, decent kid killed by a vigilante Zimmerman?  It has been suggested that he was on a 10 day suspension from school, and not for the first time.  No confirmation of that that I can see.  Secondly, the young woman who testified to being on the phone with him minutes before his death and wrote a letter, 3 weeks after the incident, to his parents reporting what she had heard, was unable to read that letter in court "because she couldn't read script".  Surely if she wrote that letter, in script, she would be able to read it?

I know the answer to the script thing.  She dictated the letter and a friend wrote it, so she could not read it back, but many many many young people in America, rich and poor, can no longer read script.  It has died out.


I question the honor student statement as well.  Usually, honor students don't get suspended, and if they do, they don't get suspended repeatedly.  The judge just ordered the records to be opened, so we shall see what news that brings.



Thanks Crest for the info.

Not in the state of Indiana.

Conservative talk show host Michael Savage ventured his opinion recently:

“White people generally think Zimmerman is innocent, except for liberals who are sure he is guilty. Black people probably to the 99th percentile are sure Zimmerman’s a murderer. So where does Michael Savage fit in? I’m an independent observer and I call them as I see them,” the radio host continued. “I think Zimmerman committed what he is charged with — manslaughter. He didn’t intend to kill him, but he may as well intended to kill him.”

Savage went on to say that the gun Zimmerman was carrying did not have the safety on and that there was a bullet chambered, which, according to Savage, showed intent from Zimmerman.

“Had he not chambered a round prior to meeting Trayvon, and had he not taken the safety off — even if Trayvon — during the altercation even if Trayvon had tried to grab the gun away from Zimmerman, had that gun not been chambered with a round and safety off, Trayvon would have had to use two hands. You can’t do it with one hand,” Savage said.

From:  http://deadstate.org/conservative-radio-host-michael-savage-defends...


Just guessing from past cases like this I would expect a civil suit to follow for wrongful death or something  if Zimmerman is found innocent in the criminal case. So the show will continue one way or another just as in the O.J. Simpson case.

Manslaughter seems to make more sense to me.  The kid did nothing that would have warranted death.

Neither did Jon Benet Ramsey or Casey Anthony's little girl......good people get killed every day for no good reason. There was no justice for either of them....and for many others. No one ever said life was fair.




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