TBD on Ning

i've seen bits and pieces of it but i'm watchin these talkin heads now who are sayin that john good the last witness who actually did see zimmerman on the ground and treyvon on top whoopin him mma style ( which means mixed martial arts like ufc or ultimate fightin champinship ) has opened the door for the prosecution because he said maybe zimmerman could have wriggled free . which would mean that he didn't have to shoot trevon because he wasn't in imminent danger .. as if he could have just gotten away as easy as snappin your fingers ..but the thing is tho if you knew what zimmerman had said in his deposition when he was arrested ( yes he was arrested , a lot of people think he wasn't but he was , and he was questioned for 5 hours , and they took his clothes for evidence ) he said treyvon saw the gun in his jacket in the holster and tried to take it from him and they grappled over the gun and it went off .. so i'm not sure how zimmerman could have prevented that unless he just handed the gun over to a guy who's beatin your brains out .. but does that make sense to anyone here ?/ hey lemme give you my gun so you'll stop beatin me and you can shoot me instead ok?? ..  they should get some guys who have done their homework on this event to commentate .. 

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yeah where's micky when you need her ?? she would probably know if anyone did .. but she was a d.a. in georgia so the laws might be different in florida ?? i read the two links you put up but they weren't really definitve as to if they could or even would or not .. but i found this one and its a little bit better .. but it don't say for sure either .. they say they can charge him with manslaughter but if they would or not ?? ehh .. who knows ??


If none of that suffices, guess you'll have to wait then...

If you watch the trial, you should be able to see and listen to the judges instruction to the jury when the time comes...

i've been watchin it vicki.. so far its been all witnesses for the prosecution till friday afternoon .. then it started with the witnesses for the defense .. so far only two , but i'm sure there will be more called and some from the prosecution recalled .. this is still a long way from over ..   

Interesting development?

The George Zimmerman defense has recently gotten a lucky break. Angela Corey, Florida’s state attorney and the prosecutor against Zimmerman, has been indicted by a citizens’ grand jury for allegedly falsifying an arrest warrant and the complaint that led to Zimmerman being charged with the second-degree murder of Trayvon Martin.

The indictment accuses Corey of allegedly withholding photographs of Zimmerman’s head after the incident. Also, Corey allegedly falsely signed an arrest warrant under oath without including the pictures as evidence. Critics claim that Corey rushed the arrest warrant through because activists were rallying around the Trayvon Martin shooting, demanding that Zimmerman be charged with murder. Critics argue that Corey was attempting to secure a reelection with the support of the activists.

Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz stated that Corey’s actions were unethical.

Wow!  It's so disturbing that EVERYTHING in EVERY walk of life is so corrupt.  Wow.  Thanks for this Marianne.


i just read it marianne , and i'm not surprised .. i'm not sayin there should have never been a trial .. when you shoot somebody there should be some kind of investigation and at least a day in court to hear all that evidence .. pro and con .. but politics should never have anything to do with a trial .. it should have to do with what happened .. i thought corey was over reachin with murder 2 and so did a lot of other people who had all the facts in front of them .. but the media and people like al sharpton had this whole story blown so far out of proportion right on up to the governor they all thought they had to do somethin , even if it was wrong .. just do it anyway .. i suppose if worse comes to worse  they can always claim the whole trial was illegal but at the moment its the defenses turn at bat and so far they're kickin the shit outta the prosecution .. they were kickin the prosecutions ass when they called their own witnesses but its gettin easier now .. like shootin fish in a barrel .. 

The judge has just allowed Martin's Marijuana use to be disclosed.  Not sure if that will have any effect on the jury, or on the case?

Yahoo News yesterday and this morning read that marijuana was found in Martin's autopsy results.

This should have gone before the grand jury and be over with.

Why should a very minor amount of THC be a factor at all? If it were a factor it should be good for the prosecution because everybody knows marijuana makes a person more laid back and less likely to instigate an altercation.
And why is this allowed but Zimmerman's record of violence is not. He did assault a police officer didn't he?

well i thought that too p.a. but it seems that the weed we were smokin back in the early 70's is a lot stronger than the weed they have now ..who knows what they're doin to it to jack up the thc levels but they are none the less jacked up and acordin to new studies it can make you very irritable and testy or as they would say about a nasty drunk he got his beer muscles .. who knew huh ?? and they knew about the weed for a long time .. i think whats commin into question now was the actual amount of thc in his system and the actual amount of impairment it may have caused .. at first they said it didn't matter at all because the amount was so low and was probably from days and days before .. but then they had to rethink it as new evidence came in and say well he did smoke it from 2 to 4 hours prior to the event and not more than that and the level in his blood was a bit higher than they first said .. 

far as zimmermans assaultin a police officer that was somethin that was eventually dropped .. seems the officer in question never properly identified himself as an officer of the law and all zimmerman was tryin to do was break up what he thought was a fight .. so the charges were dropped .. and that was mentioned .. 




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