TBD on Ning

i've seen bits and pieces of it but i'm watchin these talkin heads now who are sayin that john good the last witness who actually did see zimmerman on the ground and treyvon on top whoopin him mma style ( which means mixed martial arts like ufc or ultimate fightin champinship ) has opened the door for the prosecution because he said maybe zimmerman could have wriggled free . which would mean that he didn't have to shoot trevon because he wasn't in imminent danger .. as if he could have just gotten away as easy as snappin your fingers ..but the thing is tho if you knew what zimmerman had said in his deposition when he was arrested ( yes he was arrested , a lot of people think he wasn't but he was , and he was questioned for 5 hours , and they took his clothes for evidence ) he said treyvon saw the gun in his jacket in the holster and tried to take it from him and they grappled over the gun and it went off .. so i'm not sure how zimmerman could have prevented that unless he just handed the gun over to a guy who's beatin your brains out .. but does that make sense to anyone here ?/ hey lemme give you my gun so you'll stop beatin me and you can shoot me instead ok?? ..  they should get some guys who have done their homework on this event to commentate .. 

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All guns have a safety switch except for some revolvers and derringers that use the hammer or mechanism as a stand in. I cannot believe a sky marshal would say that officers go about with their safeties off. No one would get on a plane. Most police officers do have a round in the chamber depending on their regulations but the safety off until they intend to shoot. Also carrying a semi-automatic handgun around without the safety on is likely to get one's crouch blown off. Most handguns of that type have a 4-6 lb trigger pull so if you sit down in a car seat, couch, or bump into something in the wrong way, or someone's dog jumps on you, you would be in trouble or someone next to you would be.

A Kel-Tec PF-9 9mm pistol, the same model used by George Zimmerman in the shooting of Florida teen Trayvon Martin. You can see where the safety is convenient for a right-handed shooter. One can buy left hand models in some brands and there are some were the safety may be able to be put on the left side. At some point Zimmerman  the flipped the safety off. Whether he felt threatened enough to do that at ten feet distance from Martin or five feet or what drove him to engage Martin to the point where he needed to use self defense or whatever I do not know.


you may be right shadow but they got another retired police officer on the stand now sayin the same thing .. a round in the chamber and safety off .. i would suppose the key word to use if you're walkin around with a loaded gun and the safety off would be caution .. when you sit , get in and out of a vehicle , around a strange dog , caution would be the key word .. 

I saw a woman testify at the trial that Zimmermans gun did not have a safety but a trigger like chief said.

Verdict!  I'm thinking manslaughter. I just don't see acquittal.

OMG!!!! Nooooooooooooooo!

on a purely legal basis, the prosecution did NOT make a case....and that's why the prosecuting attorneys veered off the legalities and entered into the world of 'this child' and trying to dredge up the emotional aspects of the case. yes, it is an absolute tragedy for the martyn family but there is no proof of intent by zimmerman.  the whole episode is a collision course between two young and hormonally stupid male human beings and could be predicted by anyone with a lick of sense and some knowledge of florida laws. and for a selfdefense justification, it is not necessary for the individual to even show injuries. all that is necessary is that the person using deadly force was in fear of injury or death and acted to prevent that. thus the prosecuting attorneys also attempted to negate that concept by describing martyn as a child. suffice it to say , a combination of bad laws and poor prosecution does not promote this case into an example of justice and the law's finest hour

Open season on young people in Florida.

well its finally over .. not guilty .. it came down to a simple case of self defense .. you can't beat the shit outta somebody and not expect them to protect themselves all the time .. that does happen most of the time .. but not this time .. as much as the prosecution called zimmerman a murderer and a child killer and just about every name they could think of they couldn't sell it to the jury .. the pictures didn't lie and the sanford police didn't think he lied .. and all the people who took the stand and said thats georges voice cryin for help didn't lie .. and the one and only eye witness didn't lie .. and in the end the jury believed that ..and considerein everything zimmerman ever did since he was 18 years old was thrown at him .. and not one thing that treyvon did was ever allowed in .. it would be hard to say you saw a more one sided trial in your life .. so in the end they found him not guilty .. and they didn't even see the same trial that we did cause they would whisk the jury out of the room at every little shred of evidence that might show treyvon as the instigator .. they kept tryin to sell that scared little kid story .. he could have been home in less than 6 seconds if he was scared .. he could have called 911 .. but he doubled back .. because he was scared ?? no .. because he wanted to fight .. now here's one point that i don't know the answer to .. would treyvon have really killed zimmerman ?? i don't know .. i really don't know .. and thats the thing .. would you want to bet your life on an i don't know on someone you never met who was beatin your brains out ?? i wouldn't .. i wish it didn't come to this .. but it was the right verdict ..   

A big pile of bull and you know it if you would just think logically. A man just got away with murder. He killed an unarmed teenager because he didn't like where he was and what he was wearing. The worst part is that now more crazy racists are going to think they can kill someone if they want. Just pick a fight a claim self defense.

well as long as when they pick the fight they allow the other guy to get on top of them and break their nose and bang their head on the sidewalk a few times first .. and make sure you can get at least one eyewitness that you don't know .. and be sure all the evidence lines up .. remember self defense means that you don't have an avenue of retreat .. its not the same as stand your ground .. 

And the lack of an actual witness....not a happy time.  One family was going to be devastated as a result of this verdict, and it's the family that already lost a son.  Whoa.  Upsetting.

It's easier to pull a trigger than to slam someone in the head until he is dead.  I just don't think Treyvon would have beaten Zimmerman to death. That is a very very hard thing to do unless on e is a vicious serial killer of crazy or in a war zone, I would think. 

I can't believe how upset I am.




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