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What's your favorite?


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I couldn't find it on youtube, but this has to be one of the sweetest songs ever written. Hope it works:

So many love/romance songs to hear....just one of them. Not so sure about 'sneaky snake' darroll....(;->

One of the many reasons I adore this, is because I was around these

two's ages way back in the 60's and it shows just how mostly naive 

a lot of us were, even though we were on the precipice of entering

a new generation of much freedom and great social change,

compared to how far we have come along now,

I hope this brings back some good memories for you too!

The definitive "Somwhere Over the Rainbow"


Hiya PartTimeBrewer, and thanks for calling by here,

you know, I have heard this version you kindly posted

but I had never seen the video of it until just now,

and I must say that I do prefer the more up-beat

style of this one, for the Judy Garland style tended

to leave me a little on the wistful side.

Thanks for that.

This one is going back a loooong way,

I remember the first time I heard this

was when I was a Flower Girl at my Auntie's Wedding Reception

and being a five year old being whisked around the dance floor

by all the grown-ups in a progressive dance...very happy memories.

You never know, it is possible that a memory may return when you least expect it Kooner,

and I think why I remember this particular one is because the saxophone was the

most dominant instrument, I've not a clue whether it was `alto' or anything else,

but that was when I first became aware of such a wonderful sound,

and of course have loved it ever since.

Come to think, even though it's a bit late in the day,

I could go learn to play the sax, coz folk are always

letting me know what a great `windbag' I am - ha!

I caught one of my foreign students looking at that during class, I was too apprehensive to ask him if he thought it was representative of all Americans.

Hullo funes, I haven't spoken to you for ages,I hope all is well in your world.

This guy that's trying to quack like a duck with a fish down it's throat

killed the whole effect for me by leaving his socks on !  ha!

If I book him for my next block party, I'll invite you to give him some pointers.




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