TBD on Ning

It was another evening, last Sunday, in lotusland, about four hours of air time plus hours of red carpet interviews and fashion. A time mostly spent with jokes that were lame and so were some of the productions, and yes, the acceptance speeches still need writers and rehearsals.  And yes, just thanks always does it. And yes, most non-Hollywood types didn't get it, and that was the idea, Hollywood isn't for you or me. Its special, the idea of Hollywood, even if they have to say so themselves.

And yet, once it was more of a place the world could look to and feel a part of, the end of the rainbow sort of place, Hollywood was then. It was a world of Bob Hope, a radio comedian and film also run that brought the awards year after year into the living rooms of Americans and the rest of the world. Once it was special, a special event of image, glamour and to some humility of having to be exposed to the public as both winners and losers, as people, not the characters they had played.

I remember those shows, having been to the movies during the weekend, usually on Saturday morning for the kids matinee where for a dime you saw the cartoons and silly, stupid but always entertaining serials. And maybe as a treat the afternoon movie with the major stars like John Wayne and movies that inspired and thrilled you, such as war movies like the Sands of Iwo Jima.

Today, things have changed, movies are definitely not a dime, and a war movie is about war, war as more than charging up the beaches of southern California, taking out the Japs without hardly a scratch.

It isn't that movies and Hollywood aren't real, it is more complicated than that and always has been. It just is now the magic isn't that magical when an award recipient thanks their lawyer and agent.

But then again, those have been and are the people of Hollywood and have been all along, those that make it happen, those that bring the money and spend the money to give us the movies and entertainment.

And as a recent war movie reminded us, earn it.

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I too love the movies even though I very often don't know the actors. This year I saw several of the nominated movies, Life of Pi, Lincoln, Argo, Django Unchained, Les Miserables, all nominated for best picture. I also saw Brave which won best feature length animated movies. All of these plus many others and 95% sent me home feeling better than before I left.
Don't worry about the actors, enjoy their work.

I don't fixate on the actors personally either. Just whether they are good at the part they are playing or not. Some actors I like to watch I would not drink a beer with.




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