TBD on Ning

This is the place to vent your frustrations.  Have at it!!

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What to do? Tonight, should I livestream "wqna.org" between 6pm and 9pm central or pound knitting needles into my ears or watch the Cowboys and Redskins?

Life's full of tough choices.
I am working on a hack that will override the coaches' telecom systems and transmit www.wqna.org directly into the Cowboys and the Redskins helmet receivers, thereby causing them to run around the field in aimless confusion and to randomly punch fans in the bleacher front rows. Maybe drop trou on the fifty yard line, thusly insuring that Maria will be watching.

Just doin' my part for the good ol' rancid, greedy, utterly corrupt NFL.
I hate it when athletes thank God for their individual effort or their teams win. Or prays before the game for their team to win?
Does anyone really think that God plays favorites on the playing field?
How stupid!
It's about time God has favored the Saints.
I feel the need to rant, but I have nothing to rant about!
Damn holidays...all happy and stuff!
Well, HELL(or the holidays) has frozen over!! The mighty Quinn has nothing to rant about!
That could get me started...
DO NOT ruin my New Year Jackie, I may have to fly out there and kick your patooty!
01/02/2010....Be here or be square Missy! We will throw down....Uno cards or Monopoly pieces or Shaguars. :-)

That makes me happy :-)
You driving it out here for me?
Oh boo hoo. Poor Quinny isn't getting what she wants. I feel terrible. I just hope I can get over these helpless feelings of not being able to help poor Quinny. What a big baby!
Sheesh, Larry. She finally admits happiness and you have to come around and rub her nose in it? We should mark this day!!




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