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It's times like those when I have to break out the big guns and listen to the Dalai Lama. I don't know why but that so far does a pretty good job of keeping my feet on the ground. I don't know if I told you but I have this one neighbor that ragged on me all summer long. Felt like tossing a crate of Midol over the fence into their yard. I'd just go to my happy place in my studio and listen to Tenzin talk about how poisonous rage is. Helped me a lot this summer, I've got one of his books almost memorized.

Thanks Merry, I've tried to just put this outta my head, and think positive stuff. Even played with my grandson tonight, BUT, I just can't seem to let this one go. I'm just so pissed off. I know these feelings are detrimental to my health, but sometimes I can't seem to stop. 

We've been here for 3 1/2 years and I've decorated for Halloween and X-Mas big time every year with no problems. Heck, in this neighborhood, I don't even lock my van in the driveway. But for some reason, somebody has decided to screw with me, and I don't like being screwed with. 

Mean people SUCK!! Ya know they aren't just messin with you but the whole neighborhood and the little kids and the people who are little kids at heart probably LOVE seeing your displays. Start a neighborhood watch maybe. You just reminded me of how much my Jewish husband loved Christmas, he was more into it than I was. He almost killed himself putting lights on the roof once. Sparky Griswald had nothing on him.

I'm sorry, Teebs. That really does suck.

How toxic that meanness is.

What must be in that person

to possess them to do things like that?

 @ Teebs up there....

Wow, my friend you got more patience than me. I once sat up three straight nights to ambush whoever had been beating up my mailbox. They didn't come back....probably a good thing for them and me.

I just went out and bought another strand of lights, AND two motion sensor lights. Hopefully that will work, but I don't have a lot of faith. We have street lights, so it's never pitch black out there. I just hope the lights will scare off who ever is doing this. I only have about 6 or 7 strands of Halloween lights, but X-Mas is another story. In OH, I used to put up 10,000 lights. I've cut back since we moved to FL. but still have a ton of lights, and I would hate to have some ass trash those too.
Do what you gotto do. Just remember I don't have any money for bail!!LOLOL

I think i'm in the doghouse. I went up to the thriftstore to volunteer and help out and kept screwing up the cash register.





Did you ever feel like you were dancing with 3 left feet??






The drawer was off by $47.00 . Let us bow our heads in prayer. Dear Lord , please have mercy on Merry and don't ever let her near another cash register again.


Never,never , ever been off that much before.

Get a German Shepherd dog and put it out there.

The dog will bark, lock and load, shoot that gun in the air to scare them.

They won't cut  your lights anymore.


Rant I  find i am getting slow, tired, stiff and lazy w/ old age-ismness,

that sucks.


Rave, i don't mind having to take a nap, that is nice!

sock it to em T!




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