TBD on Ning

This is the place to vent your frustrations.  Have at it!!

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why are there so many abbreviations I don't know?
A few i know like FYI, a couple others.
Every day another abbreviation.

Why is so freaking hot and humid?
Why did NY's have to take up the parking spaces in front of the house and garage on the 4th of July,
so my family and guests had no place to park, and had to walk far up the hill
to get here to see the fireworks?
Caleb and I went to see a movie called Despicable Me. It was despicable. That is all
Aww, really? I was getting kind of an "Addams Family" vibe off of it, and was thinking of taking the fiancee to see it tonight.
I think I'm all Steve Carelled out...
Welcome back, Quinn.

I'm with you on this. I don't watch The Office anymore. It got too outlandish.
The cable company finally catches up to me and cuts my standard cable off last month. I decide I really don't need all of those cable channels and will be fine with the 22 channels I do have.
Of those 22 seven are home shopping, four are public access and six are public television.
So, I break down and upgrade the cable today. I have to go to the cable office for a box and cable wire and a remote control. Already I don't like this. This box is not aesthetically pleasing [argh]. I get over myself and pull out the instruction sheet. They gave me instructions for a different box [argh]. I figure I can figure it out and start plugging things in until it looks right. Then I have to program the remote control to work with my television [argh] The codes don't work so I have to do a random search [argh]. Then I call the cable company to activate my cable box. After waiting on hold about four minutes [argh] Abdul (I kid you not) comes on the line and starts questioning my intelligence [argh], we finally agree that I've done everything correctly and he sends the "signal" to the box. Nothing happens. He does it again. Still nothing [double argh]. He blames me [argh] I insist that I've done everything correctly (I mean really, it isn't rocket science). He does some additional checking and discovers that maintenance is being done in my neighborhood and I won't have cable for at least fours [argh], at which time I have to call back and go through the whole rigmarole again [aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh]

I'm drinking Gin now.
If you're lucky you'll get Abdul again.
Jasmine already called to follow up. She was unaware of the maintenance issue. I am about to call back, my four hours is up.
I may be back in a few minutes...
Key word is "may."
This is some sort of cruel joke, isn't it?
What, your difficulties with the cable company?

No, THIS is a cruel joke: Q) Why was the blonde's belly button sore?

A) Her boyfriend's blonde, too.
What do you call a blonde standing on her head? A brunette.

What do you call a brunette standing between two blondes? Interpretor.

Why couldn't the blonde dial 911? She couldn't find "11" on the keypad.




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