TBD on Ning

This is the place to vent your frustrations.  Have at it!!

Post your rant here.

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Let's get Miss Morgan off the first page.
No argument there!
I have a rant.....and this is how it makes me feel...

Don't ask!!!
One of the funniest movie scenes EVER :-))
Now this is talent
I am really, really pissed off tonight. I just been told that I can nt be off on the weekend that I have my entire SC family coming in for the Apple Blossome Festival. I have been having work done on the house for the past few months and even had a deck put on the back for gracious entertaining. Now, my dear friends. I will be at that pissy office. My presence is necessary because we will be packed, and I must be there to deal with the mess. I feel sick!!!!!!
I hope things will work out ok for you.
See if you can trade days with someone if that's possible.
there is no one to trade with. We are short staffed because of this freggin economy
She's got a future!!
You talkin bout the Hooter's girl or Blondie?
The Hooters gal. I'm in awe.




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