TBD on Ning

This is the place to vent your frustrations.  Have at it!!

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[You're talking bout Larry, aren't you? It's okay, I won't tell]
No, You're talking about Larry. Again.
Larry's been behaving himself, so back the f**k off, both of ya!
Reply by Quinn 1 day ago
O...#4...I get it now.
Some days I'm a little slow...

I think you knew who I was referring to or is this one of those obtuse moments again. What am I saying? Of course it is. Waldorf salad? I'm surprised it wasn't Saldorf Walad. A good chicken fried steak dinner would help you immensely.
Nice gloves Quinny!
See..just planting the seed Q. Hahahahaha? (did that sound devious?)Yeah, Larry was checking out the gloves.
HeHeeeeee... :-)
Oh sure, here you can, but not there!
Don't tell me I don't know what I'm talking about!

{All of that should be in caps cause I was yelling, but I'm too lazy to change it}
Where is "here" as opposed to "there"? I thought I was there and just stopping by here.
That is so typical of you 1GL, ♪ look at me, I can do it ♪, ♪ you can't but I can ♪ la la la. ♪ oh oh look at me♪♪
Larry: Who gave you permission to "la-la-la???"


LAAAAAAAAH! La-la-ala-lalalalalalalalalalalalal
Mz. Sme, I have to la la la because you don't do it right. Back off!




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