TBD on Ning

This is the place to vent your frustrations.  Have at it!!

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Oh how horrible. An office worker having to crawl around on the floor? Do you get hazard pay for that? :-)
Flip Flops & Crocs. Quinny ruthlessly sent me over here to discuss them. Well, actually, she shooed me off her "Packing" thread and over here just to address my feelings about flip flops, but I'm throwing in Crocs at no additional charge.
Flip Flops & Crocs. I hate them. I really, really don't like the dumbing down of America, and these 2 items, along w/someone's proudly worn obnoxious graffiti'd T-shirts just adds to the boundless dumbing down of America that makes me so not proud to be American. So, if one MUST adorn themselves w/flip flops, could you PLEASE limit your exposure in them to the beach, the pool & public showers, and on the same note w/Crocs, please confine yourself to the garden when you're wearing them - THEY'RE GARDENING SHOES. And take off your baseball caps if you're not working in the yard or actively involved in a sporting activity! sheesh! A little decorum goes such a long way.

I know I'm going to be judged, criticized, dismissed and otherwise slaughtered for this. I don't care. This is the Ranting & Raving thread, and I don't see any parameters that keeps me from going against the masses or popular opinion.
whew. big sigh.

flip flops and crocs UCK!
they are Ok for around the yard where no one will see you but the squirrels and birds.

What the fat, humungous beer belly old bald men mowing grass with no
shirts on.
Their sagging boobs. It is gross they should be arrested for ugly exposure.
BethD, if I didn't already have a crush on you, I do now. '-)
That was a well detailed description. Got a pretty good look, eh? ;-)
I'll give you the crocs...who thought that was a good idea?
Well...I guess millions did, but not me...

Now, to the flip flops...did you not read that I was going to the beach? HelloOOOooo?

[good god who let the blonde in?]
hahaha.... I did, I did. cr@p. busted again.
Okay, since you brought up my blondeness, I'm going to give up my 2, yes TWO, ridiculously blonde acts this week. No, Quinny, I'm not going to count my knee jerk reaction to your flip flops as 3, even if you do.

Okay... first.... I needed to update something on my Vonage account, so I go on-line & try to sign in w/my tel. # & password. Wouldn't take. I try an old password formula. Didn't work. I tried my reg. one again. Nope. I tried one that I considered using, but thought I'd thought better of it. Nope. I cannot access my f'in' account & it's really starting to p!ss me off. So, I call them. I'm still looking at the computer screen as I'm waiting in the automated cycle to get connected to a customer service rep. Vonage, I think to myself. That's my land line. Right. Verizon. That's my cell phone service. I'd typed my cell phone in as my land line #. No password was ever gonna get me in that way. omg.

Next - I had the locks on my upstairs residence rekeyed yesterday. Front & back doors. They require 2 different keys. I was throwing keys away as the new ones were made. The housemate's keys who just moved out. The spare ones. Mine off my keyring. A couple hours later I'm leaving my apt. (a separate residence from the upstairs 'house'). I'd inadvertently thrown out MY house key, to MY apt. Went thru the trash upstairs - their coffee grounds, food, ick.... found 3 keys, but not my house key. Went thru my trash - coffee grounds, food, ick.... found one key, but not my house key. grrr...

How did I get so blonde? I didn't used to be so blonde. Even when I was a bleached blonde, I wasn't as blonde as I am now as a natural blonde. sigh...
I just want to say......but I won't. :-)
I did a double take just yesterday when a lady came out of the convenience store with fluorescent green Crocs. I always see nurses wearing them. She wasn't dressed like a nurse, could have been one, but I doubt it. They almost look like those wooden clogs but with extra holes.
The extra coffee should help with that.
Mice or rats have decided they want to share my home. YUCK!!
How much rent do you charge them?




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