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There is this little thing called lack of insurance that is kinda fecking me up.
Huh??? My lack of insurance is an opinion??? I know I'm dense sometimes, but maybe you could explain that one to me.
I thought that she meant that it's the opinion of insurance companies that you should suffer while they take your money and do nothing in return.
Once I traded $70 worth of my photo cards for acupuncture. Gather up some of the chickens running around the yard and go for it.
Oh yeah!!
My books are filled with people without insurance.

And your in New York, wanna come for a visit?

Know any body that works for free in FL? I wish the hell I did!!!

OK, Kooner, But you still haven't told me how my lack of insurance is an opinion, or how people on your books that have no insurance manage to get the treatment they need. Again, I'm pretty dense sometimes. Please explain these things to me.
Well Sweetie, Thanks for explaining. Guess if I get my priorities straight, the money will just deposit itself into my bank account.

OK Kooner, I've done what you suggested. I checked out some medical massage therapists in the area. I emailed and asked if they thought there was any way they could relieve some of my symptoms, and also an approx. cost. 

But I'll bet ya dollars to donuts, i still won't be able to afford treatment.

I'll keep you updated. 

Gotta be totally honest, I doubt any manipulation is gonna cure what I got. 



Thanks Kooner, I will check her out.

I just want you to know this is gonna complicate my plans to buy a Kegerator. 


Kooner , isn't it true that if you rub your feet maybe twice a day with some lotion ,give them a good rub down , that you're rubbing down all the nerve endings in your body and that should help somewhat.  Even if it helps only 20% or 30%, why not? It's free. It always gives me a new outlook on things, in fact I should do it right now. Just put a pair of cotton socks over it.

You can live vicariously through my ranting if you like.




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