TBD on Ning

This is the place to vent your frustrations.  Have at it!!

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Aggie smile!


Aggie....Why did you post a "recipe" for habanero suppositories?


Oops - I've said too much. Again.

Ah the internet , you know I love it. I went to etsy and opened a shop and they had a blog about a wedding that was done as something out of the 20s-30s with a hobo theme and all these snark hags attacked the couple who looked so happy in thier wedding photos. The photos were great , they looked like they were straight out of O Brother , Where Art Thou. I would have had fun there.

Now the hobo wedding couple are getting flamed on a sight called regretsy . A sight that features some truly bad ideas from etsy. Where D.I.Y. meets W.T.F. and they hate with a capitol HATE hipsters.


Pass the moonshine. I need a drink.

There's so much love in all of their faces. It's definately not about how much money was spent. I think the bride hugging her sister is just a fantastic photo.

@ Snagg:  Try prune kolaches they taste better and work faster.


I lost a lot of my deferred retirement account value today in mutual funds.

Aggie , I'm so sorry to hear that.



I'm really sorry to hear that, too, Aggie. 

Hopefully you'll regain at least some of what was lost at a later time.

"Your mistakes create headaches for others. Please, please, please work harder to not make mistakes. I've got migraines."
Hi Kooner, um ?
I can't top that one , that stuff always makes me grumpy. But I finaly climbed under the addition and sprayed foam into a huge crack. Wow , I feel MaCHO!




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