TBD on Ning

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Somethongs are just plain wrong!

Too hot to rant...

I used to take an aspirin in the hot weather sometimes to lower my body temp.
Just climbing the stairs...

THAT'S a rant!


Went to the dentist. He said I had a cracked molar, and needed a crown (nearly $600) and would possibly also need a root canal.(another $1200) Went to another dentist for a second opinion. He said I needed a filling. ($125) The two were so far apart, I went to a THIRD dentist. He said I need a deep cleaning. ($795) I'm pretty sure #1 is wrong, cause I've had a cracked molar before, and it hurt like hell, and this is just slightly sensitive. I think #2 is wrong cause cavities don't hurt at all. #3 is probably right, but just doesn't seem right to have to go to 3 dentists before you find somebody that's not just trying to rip me off. Grrrrrrrr!!!!!
Took 4 hours for my internet connection to finally come up starting to think dial up maybe faster the 4G network I am paying $50 dollars a month for.

This is my 2nd attempt to post this.

Omigosh, I expect the cops to finally keep an eye on my home as I now fit the description of the suspect in 12 burgleries in my small town. Black hoodie, (well didn't I just wear one the other day to climb under the addition in the heat to insulate it for the winter.)Medium build, check.


Nothing else to the description. And I'm thinking that these are the same morons that told my Viet Nam Vet friend to, "go back where he came from". Just because he was walking alongside of the road.......he has diabetes, not uncommon in Viet Nam Vets because of agent orange exposure.

I'll have to find someone to bake me a cake with a file in it.

Chocolate cake? :-)
I knew I could count on you Quinn!

O man, these guys make the keystone cops look good. When I first moved to this town ,I used to get text messages from a freak called milljunkie420, I had to block the text feature on the phone.

They kept asking about a truck that I was selling and I figured it was your friendly local narc. I guess I look like I do drugs and we did deposit alot of cash into the bank after mom died..............

Whew, thought I was getting paranoid there. Trouble is I still need to wear the black hoodie to crawl around under the addition. Stayed tuned , this could get interesting.




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