TBD on Ning

I couldn't find it. Let's do it again.

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Arabian Horses have  less vertebras in the spinal column that  any other horse.
Then eleventy seven really would exist?
Way Cool Olivia!!! I was facinated, so I had to do some checking on this. These are mountain goats on the Diga Del Cingino dam in Italy. (Yes, I know, I have too much time on my hands) There is a video of this on youtube, but only a short section of the video shows them on the dam.
Like I said, Way Cool!!!

Spider-Goat, Spider-Goat

Ain't no need

To clear my throat

Watch them climb

Those sheer walls

They've sure got

Spider Balls


Look Out!

Here comes the Spider Goats!


At work in the kennel is 8 goats, 5 ducks, 3 cats, 2 mean roosters and lots of dogs.

I bet anyone on TBD I smell worse than anyone after work.

I change my clothes/shoes after work before i get in car.

That is my claim to fame, having the stinkyest job of all TBD'ers.

Maybe you could get Mike Rowe to come there for his Dirty Jobs show.
A good scapegoat is hard to find.
I keep trying, but I can't see your toes from here.
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