TBD on Ning

I couldn't find it. Let's do it again.

Tags: thinking

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I dunno, Beth, I haven't seen it. ;-p


Did you leave the page before it processed? I've done that, and it doesn't post.

An Englishman, Irishman and a Scotsman walk into a bar.

The Englishman orders a pint of Becks, Irishman a Guinness, and the Scot a whiskey. Everything is absolutely fine and nothing of even remote interest happens.



did you know that on this day in 1941 the national Gallery of Art opened in Washington, DC?

I can't remember the stardate where Mr. Spock grew a beard.
The actual star date for the Mirror Mirror episdode is "unknown", but it some time between star date 3237.2, and 3372.7. Don't ya just love Google?
I think they are some sort of cheese curls. Sort of like Cheetos

Quinn I am with you. I don't like Birds.

A HUGE flock of big noisy black crows have been hanging around here for  a week.

Squalking all day  long creeping me out, then there are the monster pooping Seagulls. Then the little birds chirping  loud in the morning, 4 AM waking me up. They all Crap on the cars and the deck.

It is like the movie 'The Birds' with all those creepy crows out there.

The glue on Israeli postage stamps is certified kosher.

Well, Quinn, I can't honest to God swear it's true, but it kinda makes sense. I like to google a lot of off the wall sites, and sometimes information like that pops up.

I find all kinds of really useful information. Did you know that every day, Americans eat an estimated 18 acres of pizza. or that as a promotion to introduce the people of Hong Kong to Hershey’s products, they made the largest Hershey Kiss ever, weighing 400 pounds. Like I said, really useful stuff.

And I thought I had a head full of useful trivia :-)

....Anybody know where I can lay my hands on a spurtle?


Like, right NOW?



Sorry Snagg, I don't believe I know you well enough to lend you my spurtle.




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