TBD on Ning

I couldn't find it. Let's do it again.

Tags: thinking

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why is it we get one storm that dumps a foot or more rather than more storms with a couple of inches at a time??? must be the global warming????
Nope! It is the testing human patience!
I think I'll shoot a groundhog.
Punxatawney Phil? Ohio has buckeye Chuck and Canada has an albino.
Do albino woodchucks cast pale shadows?
Good for you, I'm sure he has a cougar crush on you too. Would they be free lessons?
hahahahaha. Good one.

My grandson (the tall one) works at Rite Aid. Please stay out of Rite Aid.
We guys don't have the luxury of commenting on teen girls. The cops would be knocking on the door within minutes.
Sorry, I seem to have randomly wandered in the wrong door. But since you are serving Margaritas, maybe I will 'set-a-spell'.
Why, hello Miss Olivia. Speaking of past-blasting, I haven't posted here in eons and see that I still have my old, out dated avatar. Excuse me while I change into something more comfortable.
That's better. Now I'm ready to monkey around.




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