TBD on Ning

TeeBubbaDee is going into the hospital tomorrow for surgery & could be there awhile...
I just want you to know, TeeBub, that you have lots of friendship & love & support here, & an abundance of people that will be pulling for your success & recovery. You're awesome.

Tags: TeeBubbaDee

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I thought I heard something crying in the dark.
Those are our two boys, Ambrose and Griswold. Ambrose is the huge black demon hound. He is a Very Good Boy.
Wow! My first dog was a black German Shepherd! My parents got him when I was 6 months old & he was 6 weeks old. We grew up together. His name was my first word! He was fiercely protective of me. He was a very good boy, too.
Exploding dog.

Ms Farquar, her nickname Dust mop?
Hey! I resemble that!!
Tee takes a walk around the block.

Chez, Come on. Quit exaggerating. I don't have that many IV lines.

Beware, your doctor may need a flatulance to deal with this problem.
Before Haircut.

After haircut. I wonder if Bob will still like me?

What did you do with TeeBub? You Imposter!!!!!




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