TBD on Ning

Ladies: give me three TV shows that you love or you can watch without anyone nagging around you.!! And why those specific shows.. Gentlemen: give me three TV shows that you love or you can watch without anyone nagging around you.!! And why those specific shows..
BTW: …. We were living overseas, and I can recall, I watched something like “ Wife swap” and my husband use to get so edgy about it saying:”….. where they found those people”

love to all

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Really?   I'll check that out especially since Survivor is off now...'prolly forever in my book. 

I watch "Housewives of  OC/NJ...can't help myself...guilty pleasure/annoyance.

Always check out PBS before I check out anything else.  Don't care for sitcoms much.

I like shows that teach me something too.  How things work..how they're made, etc.

George and I have separate TV's, so he can watch all the sports he wants, and I can watch old movies if I want to.

We do agree on nature programs and documentaries, though.

Big Bang Theory because these kind of geeks are so much a part of our family experience.

Grimm because we can share our appreciation of European fairy tales creatures with the next generation.

Once Upon a Time for the same reason.

I am grateful that I can watch my favorite television shows on broadcast television with only a digital tv and antenna.

If I miss anything, I watch online.  

No more cable for me.

when i finisht anserin the applicayshun quiz fur shoneys big boy restrunt thay tuck it to the manjer n he red it over n he wuz rite envyous 'bout ma quayshun solvin abilty n sed i wuz twicet intelegent as sheldon in bigum bang therie




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