TBD on Ning

Kittycat received a clean bill of health from her doctor this afternoon. We're off to FL Friday via Bridgeville, PA and Raleigh NC and Charleston SC. After FL we're off to Dallas via Mobile , AL and Houston TX. Then we'll return home via Texarkana, TX and Dickson, TN. If you live along the way let us know, we'd love to meet you


I'll use this thread to post pics of our roadtrip.

Tags: meeting-friends

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Boy, glad I am not one of the crybabies....he didn't even mention Kansas.
Glad the docs are letting you get out of town for a bit Kitty, sorry you have to take Larry with you.
Have a wonderful time, drive safely, wear your seatbelts and take lots of pictures. Some day I will have some of my own to post.........really.........
I've done that, Great One, and it is scarier than all get out, especially in a Crown Victoria with rear wheel drive!! Glad you made it back alive! How long did it take? In Washington, we are not allowed to use just fog lights; we have to use headlights, also, which totally defeats the purpose of having fog lights. Washington makes no sense at all.
Lar, be sure and leave all those fancy GPS gizmos at home, and just take a printed atlas. Mostly rely on dead reckoning, its more of an adventure that way!

OK, I'll shut up now.
At least with a GPS, Kitty can sleep and not have to constantly give directions to Larry! LOL. "Uh, Larry, I don't mean to be a pest, but how come we're going the wrong way on the freeway, and why is that police car following us?"
I only hope she sleeps Lowell. lol

I thought it wise to put lol at the end.
If I rely on dead reckoning, we won't get to see anybody Gary.
...and none of those fancy chain restaurants. Hit all the Mom and Pop greasy spoons along the way.

What's wrong with driving up through OK, KS and MO? You do know that that Indian thing is over, right?
It is??? Nobody told me!
Yes, the indians have forgiven you by now, Larry.
I forgot about the cowboy and Indian thing. I hope to catch you and the rest of you westerners and mid-westerners another time.
We met Goldilocks and George for breakfast. It was a fantastic way to start our road trip. A really really nice couple, we only had about an hour and a half, way too short, but we promised each other that we'd catch up the next time and make sure we had more time.

Looks like you guys are having a great time!




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