TBD on Ning

It was 11-22-63 , some of us will not remember, and others will never forget. I just received an email from my son in law, the one who is a well known journlist. He sent me clipping from an FBI agent that witnessed the autopsy and other things. Do you believe that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in the shooting of President Kennedy?????. He did have another wound in his body.

Tags: 1993, President., mystery

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It was a cover-up, but no one wants’ to talk about it.
I just have one comment:
The Manlicker rifle that was supposedly used,
No one would dare to test fire it.
So the FBI tied a string on the trigger, hid and pulled the string as those rifles are known to blow up.
This rifle was made out of beer can grade steel and a former Marine would know that.
I agree----The Kennedy, Oswald, Ruby stuff is crap
There's so much ado about the who or how and all that but the result is the same; a great man died that day.
I am not the only person over 50 on this site and the remainder of you read. Not one opinion in 25 minutes. Gee, I might as well get back to work
I watched a show about it earlier this year and found out that the secret service cleaned out the car JFK was riding in shortly after the shooting. I'd say cover up.
I remembered seeing a documentary that questioned how would a single bullet shot from an an upper level of a building be able to make a straigh angle in 2 people down below? Also they showed some footage of a man in a crowd who appeared to be aiming something. cover up--definitely!
Sorry, but I disagree. There have probably been more investigations of this event than any other in our countries history. I have yet to see any conclusive proof that there was any shooter other than Oswald. What was the other wound? This is the first time I have heard this. I was watching the news report when Oswald was shot by Ruby. Live TV!!!! Do you think that was part of the cover up? I was stationed at Warner Robbins, GA at the time. I remember that quite a few people in that area at that time seemed to be pleased. But, were later very disappointed in Johnson. Remember the Wacko restaurant owner in Atlanta that later became Gov. of GA.?
I also remember the John Birch Society billboard on the Alabama/Georgia border calling for the impeachment of the Kennedy Brothers. I also chuckle when I see the bumper stickers that read
"An armed society is a polite society"
It was an ambush.
The motorcade was slowed to a crawl just before the shooting for no reason.
About everyone in the world was blamed.
Someone by now should of wrote a book or spilled the beans.
Human’s brag when they do things that create such an uproar.
Whoever did it were pros by keeping it quiet for so long.
I remember hearing of this years ago.

Very cool, Chuck.
I don’t think that we will ever find out what happened.
If a foreign country did it, it would of led to war.
If our country did it, the heads would of rolled.
Someone sure wanted the whole family dead.
There was more than one shooter but no one wants to admit it.
It was well organized (the assassination).




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