TBD on Ning

Mine started off pretty well. I woke up. That's always a good sign. However when I opened the door to  take  Happy out for his morning walk, I was greeted with a blast of heat and humidity. During the walk he  proceeded to poop three times in three different places. I sure am going through a lot of poop bags.

We got back in the RV and I turned on the battery operated fan in order to cool Happy off and the batteries are totally run down.

I started to prepare my cereal. I usually eat cereal with blueberries mixed in. I quickly dropped a new, full package of blueberries on the floor. It popped open and I had to pick up blueberries and throw them away.


So, how is your morning so far?


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Oh, I am sorry. It is here, too, and Saturday night is no better - usually cabaret or circus ot something dopey. Tonight they added soccer, World Cup. Bleh.
I gave up TV nearly 2 years ago & haven't missed it at all.
Quinn, have you tried anything to settle your stomach? (I'm presuming it's your stomach, since you're holding the poached eggs responsible)
soda? saltines? the pink stuff?
I too gave up on TV acouple years ago.
My morning started out badly. I have a friend very PO'd at me. My dysfunctional personality seems to have scored again. Guess that's why I live on the road with a big black dog.
Then I drove to the Ft. Hood RV park and was told that they were full. There were no sites available.
I moved to a parking lot across the road and started calling RV parks on the list that the park host had given me. Discontinued phone numbers Etc. Etc. I started back over to the park to inform them that the list was pretty worthless when the woman running the place met me and said they had worked it out and had a slot for me.

My day got better after that. An old friend who lives in the area came out to the park and took me to the commissary. He pushed the cart around after me while I pitched items into it. After the Groc shopping trip we picked up his wife and went out to eat. I'm now back at the RV. We are going to play golf tomorrow and go out to eat again. Then Monday morning I and Happy will head East.
Of course

Thanks for the music.

Amazing Grace is very touching.

It was a music moment.
I hope you don't want me to sing.
Our hill is behaving this am
this is good.

Our afternoon is not going well.
We have a pi$$ed off chickadee in the back yard that is attacking everything.
He ran off all the other birds and humans are next.
What do those ferocious things weigh? Two ounces.
Thanks Quinn..
Have a great day.
Just go ahead and throw a fit.
It might make you feel better even if it makes others ears ring.
I don’t think a sex change will help your situation.
If no-one will listen:
First warn us, then let it rip.
We'll just stay out of your way while you're in this mood.

As any woman I have ever been involved with will tell you. "He doesn't have a clue"

Sorry OH, Let me know when it's over.




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