TBD on Ning

What is your "Golden Rule"?

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Be good to yourself so you won't resent being good to others.


Ladies first. (-:

If you are going to insist on standing up, for God's sake AIM!

If you give me the Gold I get to Rule....hows that?

sounds good to me

there are two laws of my faith-

An Ye Harm None, Do As Ye Will.

The Rule Of Three:
What Ye Send Out, Comes Back To Thee.


Try not to piss anybody off and be happy.

Don't argue with anyone who has a gun.

Never fish off the rocks, if they are wet

always have cold beer in the fridge

Piss the boss off ,at least once a week

and try to hit cane toads with my golf club,through any open windows,that includes any passing cars.

I remember when I was a kid in NYC nailing a taxi's cabbie with an open window right in the schnoz with a snowball.  It was funny until I noticed the guy getting out of the car to kill me was a lot bigger and meaner.


never trust anyone over 30.

And on the third day, God created the Remington bolt-action rifle.




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