TBD on Ning

Newt Gingrich once owed Tiffany's Jewelry store several hundred thousand dollars.  He says this has been resolved, but many democrats are still making this an issue.

Karen Santorum once dated a doctor who performed abortions and was forty years older than herself.

Environmentalists are outraged that Obama dined in a restaurant that served shark's fin soup.

And Mitt Romney?  Well, we know what he did.

Are these issues?  Do you take things like this into account  when you go to the polls?  Are these 'nonissues' important or is this character assassination?




Tags: Politics, character, propaganda, secrets

Views: 141

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The only one that would give me any concern would be the Tiffany's bill. Show bad judgement. Everybody knows that you can find that stuff on E-Bay for a better price.

If you can get breakfast at Tiffany's, does that mean you can get jewelry at IHOP?

That would probably be more my style.

Newt was seen there once. He incorrectly interpreted IHOP  as International House of Prostitutes.

Good for you!  I'm glad that you stuck the word 'informed' in there.  Anyone can pull a lever. (punch a card, push a button, etc.)

Suzan is wise...very wise.

Yes, she is.

Aggie, you seem to be side-stepping a lot of these topics.

I do not trust politications.  My son was elected a city councilman before he finished college.  The only Aggie running for President has quit.  The only Valentine card I got in the mail this year was from my Congressman.  Last time I supported a friend for County Commissioner he died the day of the election.

Did you still vote for him?

The Aggie running for President, my son the city councilman, or the dead guy for County Commissioner?


The brain-dead guy that's running for President.  Take your pick.




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