TBD on Ning

I never had the same problem with fairpoint. I could log on and not sweat pulling up a page unless the server the page was on was down

This fucking thing wants to connect to my puter. the fuckers. Eat up my connection - can't call it band width because I don't have any.

When I hang up, they call back. Sounds like a goddamned fax machine.

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Unless it is a fax machine. Maybe I should caller id . . .

or reinstall zonealarm, grap the isp, and nuke 'em
So, um, your point is ... ? They're raising their prices; they're cutting down on their services. When you go to their regional office, it's in some concrete jungle and nobody is happy with you, but if you call on the phone, some sweet gall from Manitoba chats all day about her homelife, and the tech they send to iron out their bad is really an okay kind of geek.It's a mixed bag.
There's nothing wrong on this end, I'm reasonably sure. I'm on dial-up. They probably want to sell hi-speed service.

Zen - focus here. lay out your point if you have one.
My point? It seems to have stopped. That was the only point really. The problem is that I will have to whine again in a couple of days, and then mysteriously, the problem will clear up for a while.

I guess what it all means is that I'll have to research the FairPoint hearings that are going on here in Vt and complain to someone in an official capacity.

Cmon Zen, it's the 21st century.
I did not know they still sold dial up======on comcast??????? I am sure they would not be upset if you changed to another company
Comcast sells phone service, and I have a separate isp. I let the computer modem make the call over the comcast phone service to my isp, and my computer goes online from there.

With zonealarm installed I will be able to deny the fuckers access. Who's got forty bucks I can spend?

Of course, they can still deny service just by trying to access my computer - kinda like a small scale dos attack.
Well I know, I know . . .

[attempting to respond to Larry who said: DIAL UP? ARE YOU SERIOUS? ]
They could have you on a carrier?

This will slow down your net connect and service.
I'm not sure what a carrier is . . .

but after I disconnect the modem would the carrier call back and issue a high pitched squeal to ask if the modem is awake?
Only if they have a phone aboard...




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