TBD on Ning

I was amazed to hear Howarde Dean advocating kill the bill, and spend time on a better one "later on."
I think he said "in a few years.' Who agrees with this? They'll never have a better chance than today. in 2010, the repubs will pick up seats, and Joe - "look at me" - Liebermann is not scheduled to disappear for four more years, and is sure to pick upcontributions from Aetna in the meantime.
I say, strike while the iron is hot, and tweak the wrinkles when no one is looking.
Do you agree waiting is not an option? If so, what is it that Howard dean believes that is not clear to me?

Tags: Bill, Care, Dean, Health, Howard

Views: 19

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I want to see how it plays out.I hope there is a twist at the last minute.
I am not happy with it. Make the republicans kill it. Then make it single payer bring it back. Right now we are just handing the insurance companies 40 million new customers.
Go single payer and take them out of the equation. Personally I don't care if it bankrupts them, just as they don't care if they bankrupt customers.
As bad as it looks now, and as much as I hated, we should settle for such little reforms we can get. I think it is better than nothing at all. I am certain, in 2010 none of the so-called blue dog democrats in the house will be on board neither 6-7 of the democratic senators will support any kind of health care reform bill. It is called election year, -"Re-Elections", they want to play safe. Moreover, Many of the middle class Americans won't be actively supporting such bills, unless they or one of their family members got critical sick and being kicked of the coveragesl. Though, in principle they support every Americans to have a basic health insurance.
Another hurdles, many people overlooking is that if we can get something out of this bill this session what is left of this bill such as to forbid the insurance companies to reject people who have existing illness; to put a limit on each individual uses in a year or for a life time; to charge women more than men; and so many other kind of deceptive and unethical practices, next time around it would be even more difficult to get such a small victory next year.
Believe me, this movement or bill rattle the insurance indstries' nests, next time around they will kill it before its' inceptions in the sub-committes' of the house or of the senates. The insurance comapnies all other big corporations know how our government works better than the congress itself, after all many of the bills are written by them or with the consultations of their lobbiests (lets not forget tha most of those lobbiests are ex-elected officials). So next time they will prepare for the bigger fight with an enormous amount of money, that would be very difficult to fight against. Then I am afraid with less than 59 to 41 ratios in the senate we couldn't get very fundamental reform. I can't imagine getting any meaningful reform with lower than 59-41 ratio in the Senate and even much less in the house. Obama is a great campaigner, but he ain't a shrude politician as Clinton. As always as in any presidents, Obamas influences' deminishs as the time goes by.
It can be done now. It would take some backbone but that's what we elected these people for. Invoke the nuclear option so you only need 50 votes and get it done. And strip Lieberman of all his power.
I agree 100% with using reconciliation and stripping Lieberman of any power he has after this is over with. The Dems have been way too naive to think that the GOP would actually negotiate in good faith. They want one thing, for Obama to fail at EVERYTHING! And Obama should not be so blind to this fact! He is kidding himself if he thinks the GOP will cooperate with him on anything. Hell, they have reversed positions on things just to be against him. For example, they are against what they say will be cuts in Medicare, a program that they wanted to eliminate not many years ago. The Newt said he wanted it to "Whither on the vine".
I'm so pissed at most of the Demoncraps right now. I wish ONE PERSON in Congress had a brass set and took the bull by the balls and said, "Look...let's DO this....and fug the NO! Party."
I consider this to be a foot in the door bill. Once the foot is in the door nothing is impossible. It can be added to every year and eventually we will have real reform. Very few major reforms have happened all at once.
Oh my gosh, I'm more confused than ever! Tonight, Keith Olberman (!) railed against the mandated buy-in. So, is this crap truly worse than nothing? What if there IS nothing until next year? How does either scenerio affect the 2010 elections? If we lose it, we lose seats, if we gain an albatross we lose seats too. (Just hypothetically, If Hillary were president, how would she have handled it differently?)
And why is our "socialist" president bowing so low to no good faith, foot-dragging mossbacks? What do they teach you in law school that has failed to work here?
(I am disillusioned and distressed).
Toby - thanks for these addresses. I will use them. I myself am over 65, so my medicare is secure. I have two kids who are underemployed and underensured, and so they have to cool their heels in the ER, and pay more for an aspirin than it's worth, because the people who show up there can't pay the bill, and so all else must. I get it.
I agree reconciliation should be used and let the Republicans scream. They have been screaming and telling untrue things ever since this debate began anyway. It does look as though too many Dems are more concerned about their campaign donations from insurance and big pharma companies also. So guess it is not only the Republicans who are totally at fault in this matter. But I really think the Dems will lose many congressional seats in 2010 and very likely the presidency in 2012. Of course that will most likely NOT happen if they run the likes of Palin, Cheney, McCain, Glenn Beck, etc.!!!!!!!




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