TBD on Ning

You start a rumor about me and then the next person starts a rumor about someone else...

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Yes OCNDOC may be out for awhile, seems the medicine she needs has been rationed out to stillgoing and there's not much left for her. Stillgoing was asked to share cuz it's caring...but he said nutin doing. Sigh so sad.....
dang!...you found me out.

ok, i'll spill....after i shredded it at the x games (in this little outfit), sarge took everyone out for drinks. what a guy!! oh, and thanks for the shoes, sarge!
bonnie was once again seen in the moonlight
going yard to yard turning on peoples hoses and leaving the water running, flooding their gardens.
BethD ate the canary.
GraceLinda just had a clothing malfunction. Her Bikini was too tight and it just popped off right at the crowed beach.
AggieK is putting on her skimpy bikini and join me on the beach.
red one's "beach" is really the sandbox out back. what 'til aggiek finds out!
OCN Doc wants to join in the FUN to with her very skimpy bikini at Red One's sand box and little plastic blow up pool.
What? Red One's really a plastic blow up guy???
chez always suspected this..and is just ticked pink about it. she's booking the first flight back to the states!
Aggie hangs around wherever Bruce is, hoping he will notice her.
chez had a hot fling with johnny depp.




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