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Most excellent .. Read where 4 teen set fire to a cross at a black family home . All 4 arrested .. won't nobody learn . Maybe they demonstrated what the parents taught them . 

Very nice, but I have to say it works both ways.

Absolutely, Dwalt, absolutely.  This idea that minorities can't be bigoted because they have been oppressed is just crazy talk to me.

I think the difference is when the minorities have issues with white people it's with good reason because of being treated badly in the past. I don't blame them for not trusting.

I live in a mostly military/government-job neighborhood. It is what I would describe as an " upper middle class neighborhood". It is racially mixed. My son has owned his townhouse now for 9 years, and the black man across our fence has smiled and said hello a few times. But his wife has not so much as smiled at one of us since we moved in. We share a fence, for crying out loud! We are both military families. They are financially comfortable....not hirting one bit. Their lifestyle is every bit as upscale as ours. Why the standoffishness? Do we look like slave owners to her? Now....on the other side of the street, we have a Real African-American family.....from Africa. Although the wife doesn't speak English well, so is more quiet and withdrawn....he is sociable, cooperative, polite, charming and friendly. Their children talk to us all the time. And the wife has started waving and saying hi when she sees me. why the difference in attitude? Yes, a large part of the country used to own slaves. So have many civilizations since the days of the Roman and Egyptian Empires. Doesn't make it right....but it's true. However.....another huge chunk of the United States fought and died to free the slaves, when they didn't even know what a black man looked like! That huge segment of the country doesn't seem to get any credit for their sacrifice on behalf of the black man. All we remember is what the wealthy segment of one half of the country did. Seems a little odd to me.
It wasn't their generation that got abused. Get over it, the indians did.

And if a white person had been mugged by a young black male, would that person have the right to not trust  young black males because of it or would that person be called a racist? I wouldn't blame that white person for not trusting either.

And why is it OK for minorities to paint with a broad brush and be given a pass, but not for other?  I don't think anyone should paint with a broad brush.  Look at all the people who have worked side by side helping minorities in their struggles?  How are they so easily dismissed?

The video is still good, though.  Love the look on the woman's face.


The Indians did? Well the fact that we killed most of them left a very small group to "get over it". Still I am not so sure they have.

What happened to the Native Americans was tragic.  I wonder, if they had won and white Europe had lost, how would America look right now?  Progress is brutal business. A conundrum for sure.

Saw a movie the other night called "Fly Boys" . Good movie . happened back in the teens of the 19th century . Was a black pilot that joined up in the french revolution . Was a good flyer . Joined up to serve in world war 2 . They wouldn't let him fly , Sad ....

HMMM I just asked my friends on fb not to use an old pic of a Native American to try to convince me how harmless immigration is.  Growing up I think I was one of the few kids in middle school to read books like Touch the Earth and Bury my Heart at Wounded Knee.

I guess the race issues are going to stay strong at least in our generation. I can't see much improvement in attitudes, it's still them and us. If I had been attacked by a black person I may have some fears yes, with good reason. I think the current generation of minorities is still being discriminated against in the work place and socially. If I were in their place I would not trust many white people. I see how the Paula Dean problem and arguments were drawn on FB pretty much along the dividing lines of the Red States and the Blue States. Sigh....to me it's sad.




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