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Breaking News!!!!! Boner Blames Obama For Debt Talk Collapse!

What a surprise!!! Who'd a Thought??

Tags: End, World, of, screwed

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I think it's time to take some of these guys out behind the wood shed.

Has any of these number crunchers taken a token reduction in pay or are they stuffing thier bank accounts so when the country goes nuts they have a financial life raft to make to another country with? I think the wealthy people who consider themselves international citizens have an exit strategy. Just sayin.

 @ Merry  -  Members of congress have govt. health ins. too, taxpayer paid. I don't see them refusing the perks on ideological grounds. Heck no! Too bad Grandma's wheelchair has a flat. Tough cheese.Don't ask them for a break.
I mean even just a token amount..............they're too cheap to do that!! Just as a PR move to make us feel as though we are all in this mess together.
How much more cheesy could they possibly be? Talk about tacky!!

O'Brother wants to raise taxes which you don't do in a depression..


Wait until the market opens on Monday.


We will be another Greece, flat broke and needing a handout.

Boehner and his ilk want to makes cuts to medicare.


@ Darroll up there........the President is not talking about an across the board tax hike...just on the top 2 or 3 percent of the richest......the one's who CAN AFFORD it!!!!

And it's not a tax hike, it is closing their tax loopholes which should be done anyway, and cutting the subsidies to corps. that don't need them. Good Lord!!! what is so wrong with that???!!!

In order to come out of a recession or depression someone has to spend money. There is not other way. The rich people are not spending and They are not creating jobs. What is the difference between raising taxes and cutting benefits to the old, the poor and the disabled. I would say you should not do that in a recession either. Those people spend money when the have it.

During a recession is the very worst time for government to cut spending. Much worse than increasing taxes on people who won't spend the money anyway.


True - get money in the pockets of people who will spend it in stores right away. Then the store owners can hire more staff. (My grasp of economics is primitive, but this seems logical to me).
Darroll, Are you rich? Unless you are, none of your arguments make any sense. You want to take the money away from people who spend it and give it to people who don't. I keep reading that the rich are the ones who make jobs, and if we don't cut their taxes more they won't create any jobs. Well, Bush cut their taxes to the bone and we are in the deepest recession since the great depression. So, where are all the jobs that were created by the money that the top 5% got to keep courtesy the Bush tax cuts?  This is not the first time you posted that article from the Register-Guard. Where is Lane county? When was this done? What does a county expenditure have to do with the current crises?




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