TBD on Ning

"Imaginethat's Improbable Possibilities"


"Imaginethat's Improbable Possibilities"

 "i COULDA TOLD YOU THAT!", but how would you expand your mind then?  Our nuggets of knowledge can still be retrieved even without hypnosis.  BTW, names will be withheld to protect the guilty and gullible, so don't hold back, let us know what's on your mind today.  pssst....you do know that this is just for fun, don't you?                                                                        ~Just A Thought~                "He felt that his whole life was some kind of dream and he sometimes wondered whose it was and whether they were enjoying it"   Douglas Adams

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Latest Activity: Sep 13, 2021

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Discussion Forum

Feelin' It 8 Replies


Started by imaginethat. Last reply by flippr 2.0 Nov 21, 2020.

I had it... 5 Replies

Has anybody else contracted Covid-19...I had the experience and I do not recommend it. I work in a healthcare setting. It went rampant in our building ...5 deaths. We held the reins tightly from March to the beginning of October and not one person…Continue

Started by imaginethat. Last reply by Jozee Nov 12, 2020.

music please.... 506 Replies


Started by imaginethat. Last reply by flippr 2.0 Nov 11, 2020.

Good People 3 Replies

What are some obvious signs you are dealing with a good person?Continue

Started by imaginethat. Last reply by flippr 2.0 Oct 31, 2020.

Slang and Stuff 1 Reply

What outdated slang do you like to use?Continue

Started by imaginethat. Last reply by Jozee Oct 30, 2020.

Books 1 Reply

What books are you reading these days, or thinking about reading even?Continue

Started by imaginethat. Last reply by officerripley Oct 29, 2020.

Just get another one... 1 Reply

If it is past its prime, do you toss it and just get another one? Or, do you keep trying to breathe life into it?Continue

Started by imaginethat. Last reply by officerripley Oct 29, 2020.

Welcome Kimberly Kamp and JOZEE!! Josephine & Patricia!! 8 Replies

Hey there Kimberly and Jozee! Josephine & Patricia!  How nice to see you here :)  We sure are glad to welcome new members and hope you find a comfy chair and enjoy a nice cup of coffee or "something" soothing because with all the crazy in this…Continue

Started by imaginethat. Last reply by Jozee Oct 18, 2020.

Fall is here... 2 Replies

I wish I was there...beautiful Fall Season...Continue

Started by imaginethat. Last reply by Patricia Oct 17, 2020.

Honkity honk honk 1 Reply

How would you feel about cars having two different horns, like a polite “please would you move a bit faster, thanks” and a “screw you for being reckless and dumb”? ....wish my pitiful horn worked at all...lolContinue

Started by imaginethat. Last reply by Jozee Oct 12, 2020.

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Comment by officerripley on September 16, 2015 at 2:40pm

Anybody in the group use Amazon Prime?  I'm thinking about it, mainly for the streaming video & hardcopy books & wondering if it's worth it.

Comment by flippr 2.0 on September 14, 2015 at 7:28am

Comment by imaginethat on September 13, 2015 at 7:16pm

Hey there TBD. Can you get  caregiver that can assist your Mom at least during the day, unless they recommend 24 hr. care?  Because the assisted living community she lives in may not have enough staffing to do that. I am sorry you are going through so much. Take care.

Comment by TeeBubbaDee on September 13, 2015 at 12:37pm

Comment by TeeBubbaDee on September 13, 2015 at 12:36pm

Thanks Guys!! I'm going to have to ask a few more questions before I decide if I really want/need this surgery. I don't really want to have the tube in my back, and the stent changed out every couple of months for the rest of my life, BUT I'm just not sure if I want to have another year of complications and hospital stays either. Even if I decide to go through with the surgery, my DR said that even though the bladder was removed, and the chemo seems to have done it's job, my DR said that there is still a chance for the cancer to come back. He said that there is about a three year window where it could possible come back. I've got one year down, so have two more years to go before I can be pretty sure I'm in the clear. 

Comment by Karin M Fichtner on September 11, 2015 at 5:14pm

TBD.......I can't imagine how perplexing all this must be.....and stressful.  I know they say the Lord doesn't give you any more than you can handle.....but He must think you're Superman!  I will pray you come to a decision you can live with (in more ways than one), and that if surgery is the choice.....that things go well with few complications.  Stay positive, and talk it all over with your very knowledgeable wife, get all the facts.....and do what your gut tells you.  It very seldom steers you wrong. 

Comment by officerripley on September 11, 2015 at 3:44pm

Aw, TeeBub, I am sooooo sorry for what you're going thru & now your Mom too; gawsh darn it, wish things'd get better for you & every1, hang in there buddy.

Comment by TeeBubbaDee on September 10, 2015 at 10:39am

I desperately want this tube outta my back, but did not expect all of the complications that could be involved. I had just assumed that this would be a minor surgery, go in snip off the scarred piece of ureter, and reattach it, easy peasy, done deal. I had no idea that a kidney may have to go. I had no idea that nerves would be cut that could make a large "bulge" (DR"S word) on my side. I had no idea that I could be setting myself up for more infections. I think he used the word infection at least six times in less than five minutes. Right now, I'm at a loss as to what I think about going down this road. Have the surgery and hope for the best, or leave the damn tube in my kidney for the rest of my life?????????????????????????

Dean Morris's photo.
And on top of everything else, my mom has lost her mind. She's been in an assisted living facility for several years, and has been happier than I have ever seen her. She is 84, and I could see her getting a little forgetful, but nothing major. I could hold a conversation with her for an hour, and she seemed fine. My sister would mention that mom was a little argumentative on occasion, but I still saw no BIG RED FLAGS. Anyway, about a month ago, she had a colonoscopy, and the Dr found a polyp which he removed, and a mass that was biopsied, and found to be benign. After the procedure, she became convinced she had cancer, and was going to die in a couple of hours if the mass wasn't removed. And things have just gone downhill from there. My mother is still there, but my mom is gone. She goes from laughing to scared to serious, to paranoid at the drop of a hat. She has ruined two TV remotes by somehow prying buttons loose when she can't get the TV to change channels. She doesn't even know to pick up the phone anymore. The only times I get to talk to her are when my sister happens to be there and answers the phone. Mom still recognizes my voice, but for how long? I don't know. She took twenty minutes yesterday telling my sister about her and Dee making wedding soup. (yes, mom and Dee used to make some killer wedding soup) But halfway through the story, she put a cat in the microwave and killed it, and then threw the dead cat at me for some unknown reason. She keeps taking her oxygen off and has passed out at least one time that I know of due to lack of oxygen. My sister is at her wit's end, and I feel guilty that I'm not there for her to lean on. 
Comment by TeeBubbaDee on September 8, 2015 at 3:53pm
Just got back from the Doc's. Surgery will be scheduled after some tests get done. Haven't got those scheduled yet, so don't know when the surgery will take place. Seems like things are probably going to get complicated again. He doesn't want to go through my belly due to all the hernia surgeries, so plans on going through my side. He will ATTEMPT to cut the ureter loose, and then reattach it. Only problem is that he doesn't know if there is enough ureter left to do this. If not, then the right kidney and ureter will have to be removed. Since there are a lot of nerves where he plans on cutting, I have a good possibility of loosing muscle tone, so may end up looking like I have a large hernia on my side.
OK, I don't see any cheese, so I guess the whine is done. I'm still alive, loved, and in love, and that's what counts the most.
Comment by imaginethat on September 7, 2015 at 6:16pm


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