People have had enough of the intolerance HG...The left preaches it.... (Not everyone ) but…Continue
Started by ProblemAgain. Last reply by Aggie Jul 1, 2020.
Fifty years ago, Fred C. Koch helped found the John Birch Society, rightly considered to be a radically right, somewhat wacko group.His godzillioaire sons David and Charles, creators of the Tea…Continue
Started by LoveLife&Laughter. Last reply by ellevan Aug 12, 2019.
Question of the day: Should Phil Robertson be free to speak his (probably rather feeble) mind or should he have kept his yap shut? Second question: Does anyone give a s***? Continue
Started by Ioruach. Last reply by LoveLife&Laughter Jan 2, 2014.
What Is Your Preferred Beverage?Continue
Started by LoveLife&Laughter. Last reply by Snagg Jan 2, 2014.
Now THIS is funny:
Drumpf suckers on FB are reporting anybody who disagrees with them to the FB mods, getting their opposition banned for 24 hours, or longer -
While the Drumpf suckers use the same language - or worse - against liberals that they report the liberals for using.
And they're gambling on the dirty, unAmerican liberals to have more respect for the First Amendment than the Drumpf suckers do.
It's the perfect example of the modern GOP - "We can dish it out, but we don't have to take it. WE can shit on YOU, but YOU can't shit on US. We're SPECIAL."
Are modern conservatives even AWARE of their hypocrisy ? Or do they WALLOW in it ?
Is winning THAT important to them, that ANY cheating is permissible ? After looking the other way when Russia hacked our election, I'm beginning to think that that's the way it really is. NO rules for them, and a brutal, totalitarian, completely bullshit - and cowardly - set of rules for everybody else. The Right of Kings....
Welcome Linda!
We haven't been very active around here, but might pick up now that it's (primary) election time again.
Yep. They love THEIR free speech. Others' fee speech, not so much.
I remember after Gingrich won with his so-called, "Contract With America", the Moral Majority aka Pat Robertson tried to get him to push their "Contract With American Families".
I distinctly remember them talking about jail time for anyone convicted of making fun of christians/christianity.
The other day, I was in a discussion about freedom of speech in the aftermath of the Charlie Hebdo massacre.
One of the arguers insisted that he was "100% for free speech", yet also insisted that he was in favor of "reasonable" limitations of free speech - Namely those that would criminalize any free speech that happened to offend religious fanatics.
When I pointed out to him that those are exactly the type of assholes that free speech is intended to combat, and that he couldn't be both 100% in favor of free speech but also in favor of curbing it -
He blocked me.
I fxxxxxg LOVE irony.
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