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Intrepid Minds

a place for challenging debates, playful dialogues, or friendly bantering. We strive to be free of censorship and to respect the notion that it is the multiple and opposing viewpoints which characterize our coveted freedom.

Website: http://intrepidminds.blastgroups.com/
Location: cyberspace
Members: 30
Latest Activity: Oct 20, 2013

Discussion Forum

The speed of light 1 Reply

Einstein's theory suggests nothing is faster.But some cosmologists suggest the Universe expanded faster then the speed of light.Black holes however, and super massive black holes, suggest to me that terminal velocity is finite.And how about the…Continue

Started by LoveLife&Laughter. Last reply by Snagg Oct 20, 2013.

Picture a Word 3 Replies

 Describe yourself in one word or picture.Continue

Started by LoveLife&Laughter. Last reply by LoveLife&Laughter Sep 8, 2013.

A Quantum Universe- a slightly different perspective on reality 2 Replies

Physics : A Quantum universe?We look at the objects and materials of the world as bounded and solid. The calls for change in the area of physics are  perhaps the most radical of all the movements in the scientific disciplines, questioning the nature…Continue

Tags: Quantum universe

Started by Maricel Evasco. Last reply by LoveLife&Laughter Aug 17, 2013.

Earth wobble & tilt = climate changes? 3 Replies

Astronomical Theory of Climate Change The tilt of the earth relative to its plane of travel about the sun is what causes seasons. The hemisphere "pointing toward" the sun is in summer, while the opposite hemisphere is in winter. The earth makes…Continue

Tags: Climate change

Started by Maricel Evasco. Last reply by LoveLife&Laughter Aug 15, 2013.

Can concepts (God) inhibit relating to reality? 3 Replies

BeiYin: There is obviously a discrepancy between concepts and reality. This causes disappointment, frustration and a lot of stress in most humans. The high number of diseases, suicides and depressions are the result. Spiritual concepts about Love,…Continue

Tags: concepts and reality

Started by Maricel Evasco. Last reply by Thomas Mayes Aug 15, 2013.

Who should help the poor? Churches or Government? 16 Replies

I have noticed that during the past decade there seems to be a move by the religious community to discredit Government help for the poor.During the Bush Administration there was a "Faith Based Initiative" where Bush tried very hard to get the…Continue

Started by CWO3ROBBIE. Last reply by Thomas Mayes Aug 8, 2013.

Aren't They Supposed to Heal the Sick? 4 Replies

Here’s the situation: you have a friend who has been told by a visiting nurse that there “may be evidence” of head lice, but she wasn’t sure, so your friend should consult her PC to be sure. Your friend calls and makes an appointment; this PC is…Continue

Tags: oath, hippocratic, the, doctors

Started by Westerly_2. Last reply by Mother Sanity (JackieRodzinski) Apr 3, 2013.

Who are society's scapegoats these days? 9 Replies

Who are society's scapegoats?(photos and/or text responses welcome) Continue

Tags: scapegoats

Started by Maricel Evasco. Last reply by michael clubb Jan 7, 2012.

Where do you hope to retire? 6 Replies

Would you leave the country to retire? If so, where?Would you work part time in another job after you retire?Do you worry about your care giving in the future? especially since the Baby Boomers outnumbers subsequent generations. According to current…Continue

Tags: retirement plans

Started by Maricel Evasco. Last reply by russell albright Dec 28, 2011.

Anyone watch Michael Moore's doc- SICKO? 1 Reply

I watched SICKO with my (Med Ethics) class last week and was highly disturbed by the testimonies. One has to be really careful what one puts in health history. If you haven't already watched it, try to do so. It is riveting. …Continue

Tags: Sicko

Started by Maricel Evasco. Last reply by P.A. Jul 6, 2011.

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of Intrepid Minds to add comments!

Comment by Apposite on April 23, 2011 at 11:55pm

"Intrepid mind" - I'm trying to figure out what that means anymore after the last six months on MA and TBD.


Comment by Maricel Evasco on April 23, 2011 at 2:01pm
Comment by Maricel Evasco on April 23, 2011 at 1:35pm
ThallyGal welcome  =-)
Comment by Maricel Evasco on April 23, 2011 at 1:27pm
Krisit....nice to see you and Tim here. I thought of intrepid minds not necessarily discussions, because a mind with fortitude will be able to weather the highs and lows, lighter, and deeper discussions. I guess am trying to flake-proof this group. Even smart people could be flaky sometimes.
Comment by Krisit on April 23, 2011 at 11:44am
LOL..how do I even start and intrepid discussion.
Comment by Tim E on April 23, 2011 at 11:41am
Apposite, Eleanor must not have spent too much time with Albert.
Comment by Apposite on April 22, 2011 at 9:41pm
I guess 1/3 of my mind is small, and the other 2/3 borders on greatness:)
Comment by Apposite on April 22, 2011 at 9:39pm
As far as Eleanor Roosevelt's statement I am totally confused Because I discuss all three with vigor!!!
Comment by Maricel Evasco on April 22, 2011 at 8:48pm

All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves;we must die to one life before we can enter another. - Anatole France


Comment by Maricel Evasco on April 19, 2011 at 8:45pm

Thank you Wendel and welcome to the group.

Welcome EVERYBODY to Intrepid Minds. I hope you enjoy the conversations and personalities here.


Members (29)




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