The Basics
Greensboro--Winston-Salem--High Point, NC
I'm Here For
Meeting new people
Just having fun
About Me
I own my own consulting business so I work a lot. They say an entrepreneur is someone who will work 16 hours a day for himself to avoid working 8 hours a day for someone else. I am definitely trying to get more balance between life and work. I am trying to increase socializing, making new friends, and getting involved in civic activities. I like walking, nature, kickball, volleyball, home projects, board games and cards.
Intelligent conversation with kind people, human behavior, psychology, philosophy, politics, family, friends, kickball, volleyball, walking, travel, the nature of time and just other regular chit-chat-stuff like that.
Favorite Music:
I really like singer songwriters. Some of my favorites include, Warren Zevon, Aimee Mann, and Jill Sobule. I enjoy some of the older music like Queen, The Cars, and The Who. The Rolling Stones are still going strong. New music is really not my thing. I have zero interest in hip hop or rap and think Miley and Brittney are poster children for how not to raise your children.
Favorite TV Shows:
Growing up I was a huge fan of Star Trek and the original Twilight Zone. I am a M. A.S.H. trivia champ. In the 90's, my favorites were Just Shoot Me and Seinfeld. As the new century rolled around, I was watching the Soprano's, Sex and the City, and Curb Your Enthusiasm. I am also a Discovery Channel and History Channel addict. My wife and I love watching home improvement shows. Gee, honey, do you really think we can do all that in just 30 minutes --the answer is no!
Favorite Movies:
All Quiet on The Western Front
2001 A Space Odyssey
Paths to Glory
12 Angry Men
Young Mr. Lincoln
Grosse Point Blank
Layer Cake
Full Metal Jacket
The Matrix
High Fidelity
Beautiful Girls
Chasing Amy
A Midnight Clear
Thanks for Smoking
Batman Returns
The Tao of Steve
Favorite Books:
Flash Forward
3001 The Final Odyssey
The Consolations of Philosopy
Don't You Forget About Me
A Walk in The Woods
A Brief History of Everything
Death by Black Hole
The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team
Favorite Quotations:
"It's true that the world is full of suffering, but it is also true that the world is full of the overcoming of suffering." Helen Keller
"Action may not bring happiness but there is no happiness without action. " William James
"If you believe that feeling bad or worrying long enough will change a past or future event, then you are residing on another planet with a different reality system." William James
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but I just had this hankerin' to come say `hello' to YOU! - Hugzzz!
May you have many, many more "happy" birthdays to come. =-)
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Many groups, many people, all about that which is To Be Determined. TBD.