It seems to me more than apparent now that the Republican party has revealed itself to be far more concerned with scoring political points and stopping effective government than caring about the people who elected them. Let's recap...
Everyone (except insurance company executives) agrees the status quo on health care insurance is not acceptable, but apparently the money that the insurance companies funnel to lawmakers is still "real good" because these lawmakers have watered down proposed bills until the only people coming out on the short end of the stick are consumers. And yet, Republicans voted against these bills, not to protect the consumer, but rather to thwart the Democrats. That's putting country first, apparently.
Republicans have negotiated in bad faith from the start. Republicans use the filibuster now on every vote. The Senate rules were established with the idea of lawmakers behaving honorably and in good faith so that large states would not be able to bulldoze smaller states with higher population numbers. That system worked relatively well until the Republicans lost the Senate. Than honor and good faith were evidently discarded. Traditionally, a super-majority was necessary only for ratifying treaties or constitutional amendments, impeachment, and overcoming a presidential veto.
By insisting on a super-majority to pass anything, Republicans are both killing the operation of the Senate and sowing (deepening, really) the resentment between the political parties to such an extent that when the roles are reversed, Democrats will feel justified in doing the same thing. Who loses? The American people.
Everything this administration has adopted that the Republicans were formally advocating for, they are now against. Transparently so. Also transparent is the reason, although no one dare speak it out loud. Democrats are not blameless for this failure of government, but there can be no doubt where the lion's share of the blame resides.
Republicans have voted against extending jobless benefits for families.
Republicans have voted against saving the US financial system from collapse.
Republicans have voted against temporarily supporting US automakers despite the huge number of jobs that depend on that industry.
Republicans have voted against healthcare reform.
Republicans have voted against health insurance reform.
Republicans have voted against stimulus money while taking credit for the portion of that money that comes to their home districts.
Republicans are on record as being against financial system reform—the very problem that precipitated the economic collapse causing so much pain in the country now.
Republicans are on record as being against the Obama administration proposal to reclaim all the taxpayer money back from the financial institutions supported by taxpayers in the bailout.
Republicans who voted for the bank bailout are now criticizing the Obama administration for that same bailout.
Meanwhile the American people mob free healthcare clinics, continue to lose their homes, their jobs. Students of all ages are finding it harder to afford higher education or vocational re-education. People are really suffering. The Obama administration can't even fill it's government positions. Why? Because they are being held up by Senator Shelby to wants more pork for his state. Senator Shelby guessed it, a Republican.
When America can't function, we are more susceptible to fear, terrorism and Al-Qaida. When we are fearful we are more susceptible to the dark side—the abandonment of our principles, torture, terrorism, and Dick and Liz Cheney.
That prospect should give anyone pause.
Tags: America, Democrats, Politics, Republicans, gridlock, idiots, policy