TBD on Ning


There's the link to the article. It's beyond insane. Here is one paragraph from the linked piece. Let's just call it a teaser.

Radio host Tammy Bruce asked "TownHall Patriots" to help organize "PASS Day Picnics" -- that's "Parentally Approved Skip School Day," for the uninitiated. In a blog post under a close-up photo her hand holding a gun, Bruce added that "Urkel" -- that's her pet name for Obama; get it? -- is going to "make[] a grab for your kids" and that he is "setting us on fire."

Yes, it's an editorial piece, but the author has several source links in it, so you can check out what he's saying yourself. I'm thinking, if they're going to skip school to avoid a speech about staying in school, maybe Obama needs to give a speech on why one shouldn't commit suicide...

Tags: conservatives, idiots, insanity, lunacy

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I don't really subscribe to conspiracy theories

Honestly I don't blame ya. They are all pretty whacky, aren't they? But can we take a look at what we do know? Please?

-- The war on drugs has been going on since at least Ronnie Reagan, and everyone who lights up is, in essence, engaged in a criminal conspiracy.

-- In Mexico they have the resources to take out the big Cartel leaders - but they can't seem to control the out break of violence from the resulting power vacuum. It's gotten so bad it represents a significant threat to the government of Mexico. Here in the U.S. we CAN'T seem to take out the big FISH, but the only outbreaks of violence associated with drugs tends toward the inner cities and the southern border.

-- Nearly a million Americans in jail over minor drug offenses, and yet there has been no widespread campaign to demand legalization and sale of pot -- I repeat: THERE HAS BEEN NO WIDESPREAD CAMPAIGN TO DEMAND LEGALIZATION AND SALE -- So what happened to all the little flower kids? How come the potential tax revenue isn't so alluring that legislators rush to tap in and thus solve an economic crisis the likes of which has not been seen in 70 years?

-- Corporate espionage isn't new, and there is even a movie out just released on DVD starring Julia Roberts and Clive Owen highlighting that subject with a bit of humor.

-- Microsoft has a new logo: Life Without Walls And they have a track record of notoriously insecure software platforms.

-- Florida "butterfly" ballots of 2000 presidential election, and the outrage that inspired from human usability experts

-- and a new theater release titled Accidentally On Purpose

-- Sarah Palin shooting at ghosts with her statements about Death Panels despite her own - and the Alaskan legislatures - position on discussing end of life issues between family and their physicians

-- The question of mind control arising on the occasion of the Presidents address to school kids

I could keep going . . . but seriously, you don't think this all ads up to something of significance?
It's less of a conspiracy theory when many Reps have been quoted in saying if they keep it up they'll be able to take Obama down. These pawns are more interested in serving corporate needs in the name of party loyalty than they are in serving their own best interests.

And there are the smear campaigns. Van Jones resigned last night siting these smear campaigns as the reason. He said that the focus to smear his name was taking attention away from the real issues needing addressed. I consider that a loss, he's been doing research on green jobs for years, he was the best man for the position. And the CCC are going to be reinvigorated by this, it's going to give them more steam to spread shit all over everybody else Obama appoints.
"Yes, it's an editorial piece, but the author has several source links in it, so you can check out what he's saying yourself. I'm thinking, if they're going to skip school to avoid a speech about staying in school, maybe Obama needs to give a speech on why one shouldn't commit suicide..." LoL! How about President Obama giving a speech on not committing intellectual suicide . . . oh wait - isn't that what Tuesday's speech will be about - "staying in school" !?!

My nerves. Thanks for the link JAW!
Speaking of Microsoft . . .
Microsoft is developing Big Brother-style software capable of remotely monitoring a worker’s productivity, physical wellbeing and competence.

"The Times has seen a patent application filed by the company for a computer system that links workers to their computers via wireless sensors that measure their metabolism. The system would allow managers to monitor employees’ performance by measuring their heart rate, body temperature, movement, facial expression and blood pressure. Unions said they fear that employees could be dismissed on the basis of a computer’s assessment of their physiological state. "

It's an interesting read. I wonder where it all stands at present.
It's strictly about trying to make the Obama administration appear to be a failure. Nothing more. When Bush left the asylum, he forgot to shut the door behind him and now all of the crazies are loose.
No, not really. I guess they were more self-contained as long as they felt they had control. Who knew they'd behave like rabid baboons when faced with a higher intelligence?
Pacis wrote:Zen, I guess I can see your point of view on some of these issues, though I have different terminology:

1. The war on drugs, is an illusion. It's a feel-good mechanism, so we can pretend we're doing something, when the real answer is cutting consumption by focusing on education, and re-engineering it to focus on hard drugs.

2. "See no evil, hear no evil". Why should we care, after all, violence is in the projects, and who wants to spend money on creating opportunities, to enable project dwellers to improve their lives. That would be unconstitutional.

3. We're too chicken shit to demand legalization of marijuana. It's McCarthyism at work. If you demand legalization, then you must be a pothead.

4. Corporate espionage is the primary spying activity, and has been so for the past 30 years.

ZenDog sayz:

1. I know you didn't mean to indicate that the 10,000 Mexicans slain in the last couple of years in the war on drugs are an illusion or that the suffering of these victims or their families is somehow not real or irrelevant. I know you aren't that mean.

I also know that every honest cop will arrest any criminal they find engaged in organized criminal activity, just as quick as they will their own Chief for DUI, it's the way it is. Maintenance of the illusion requires someone get arrested, and to ensure that the wrong people never get arrested we rely on the fact of number 4 applied to criminal conspiracy, which itself cannot explain number 3. Not when there are nearly a million people in jail for minor drug offenses.

I think we get to number 3 by engaging the college kids in some aspect of number 4, including the use of neural linguistics, and by maintaining their supply of pot, so they are either too stoned, too stupid, or too scared, to bother agitating in any meaningful way, for legalization.

Now there are so many people who have been exposed to it, everyone is getting nervous, and those who have not seen it see the nervousness - and the associated iconography - so even if they don't get it they get something and that something generates a degree of unease.

The same with the denial of it all. "Well, if we can deny this, why not that?" And so someone tries it.

Pacis said: I am saying that it's a feel good mechanism for us.

For whom? It can't be a mechanism designed to make anyone in law enforcement feel very good, because as a result they get stuck in this ambiguous social fault line, perceived by the pot head as either a hypocrite or worse, as the enemy; ill-equipped to confront the challenge of enforcement due to a lack of technological resources and experience in counter intel; and if somehow they get lucky they are apt to get warned off because of federal jurisdictional issues.

And how big is the union again? Seems like a significant portion of the population laboring under a belief system that may tend to conflict fairly directly with facts on the ground.

I certainly wouldn't risk my neck to MAINTAIN AN ILLUSION so obviously out of whack.




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