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Good morning, Cat, d's girl, and Robbie!
Hi, Goldilocks! and Cat! just passing thru as I have some lunch.
Good evening to all, and to all a good - a VERY good - night.

I Made It. Gt through the traffic and the 20 mi. of ups and downs. Dropped the RV off about 9:30 and my friend Mike
and I went to visit his ex wife and let Happy run around in her back yard.
Around 11 the shop called and said they were finishing up with the RV. They had to replace a caliper and pads. I picked it up about 11:30. Hooked the jeep to it and off I went. I am nw sitting just North of Knoxville, TN. will motor on up the road tomorrow. I hope. It was really hot today. I pulled into the campground abut 6 pm. By the time I got the RV hooked up to electric and water and the A/C on it was 94.5 degrees inside the camper. I've got it back down to 79 now. Just took a shower. so I'm having a CC & Soda and getting ready for bed.
Good night, everyone.
Did you wave as he passed?

Good morning all, and happy Wednesday. Keep cool! We're actually up to 67° today!
Sounds grumpy. If I ever come by I'll visit you anyway. I'll bring my special slippers for hardwood floors and we'll dance; you'll be glad I came.

Now you tell me. I saw the "Ruby Falls" sign, but didn't see any arrows pointing to Olivia's office. Darn, You could have been #53.
Poor Ruby. I hope she's all right. Does she do this on a regular schedule?
Anyway, I'm on my way. Going to take it easy. I'll probably stop at Wytheville tonoght. It is only a couple hundred miles.

I'll check back in then.
Drive carefully, Robbie.

And I forgot to say hello to everyone, so 'Hello!'

Have some Swedish meatballs.

Yummo Chez moi..............now that looks good. Good morning everyone I hope you all have a wonderful day now.




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