TBD on Ning

This is like the 6 & 7 Letter Word Games but way more CoMpLiCaTeD!!

5 Letter Word + Make A Sentence + Tag Team Story

Word Game Trifecta!

1) Form a new word from the current word by rearranging the letters &/or changing
ONE letter only.

2) Include your new word in a sentence.

3) Sentence must build on the previous sentence to tell a story! ;-P

May 2, 2010 Update: Okay - this is the best Wordle custom graphic for our games yet! lol!
Chez' "Only a SICKO would kick a chicken" tickles my funny bone! "-D

Tags: Letters, Make_A_Sentence, Tag_Team_Story, Word_Game

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Hostess Twinkie, a Lil'Debbie's brownie, a chocolate Eclair
stuffed all that into a bag and hottailed it out to his DODGE ram pickup truck and went to Wendy's got 6 hot and juicy burgers and 2 frosty milkshakes and he then picked up
Bruce Willis and they went to the park and pigged out when low and behold
guess who showed up.....
Samuel Lee Jackson dressed in a white suit, Hawaiian shirt and a green brim, was picking at a chef's salad and drinking designer water at a picnic table just ten feet away! He threw his fluorescent frisbee at them to get their attention, and hollered, "Any of you clowns know where I can get a really big geode?"
Bruce Will called him one of the ugliest OGRES he ever saw, and Bruce and John were really mad he interrupted their Jhursey style feast and told him they were going to shove that frisbee up...
up someone's Lincoln Tunnel. Charlize made that cute little scrunchy face of hers and said, "You guys are gross. I'm going to find better mannered people to hang out with like..."
...Ubu, BethD, & that Chez moi, who SORTS through the bullsh!tters & only hangs out w/fun but well-mannered people.
Ubu wanted to cook a ROAST but beth and Chez split, they don't eat meat, they picked
up d's girl and went to...
the STORE where they picked up a bag full of fresh, organic produce & went home to make a feast.
There they all were. Chopping and mincing and singing. They all decided that dining on the back deck was a grand idea. The moment they settled in, out of nowhere, a stork swoops down and carries off their salads.
Then a KRAIT slithered up on the deck and they ran screaming out in the street and Don Johnson picked them up and drove them to....
the store to pick up more FORKS, since the stork was really after their forks & not their salads.

At the store, they found a stash of that wonderful invention, the SPORK, which had been uncovered in a dusty corner of the warehouse during inventory. These clever gals stocked up on several cartons of this useful utensil, thinking to make a killing on...
selling eating utensils to prisons and state mental hospitals and to the
picnickers at the PARKS they were ready to go into retail business when.....




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