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Good Morning everyone. I am eating my morning cereal. Got the RV all hooked up and just waiting until the traffic dies down a little. I'm heading for Shreveport, LA today. Hope everyone had a great weekend.
Olivia, what are you doing reading this? You have too much work to do in English to be wasting your time trying to remember how to curse in German.
Hey, Robbie!! How long are you staying in Hotlanna? Wanna petsit for me next month??

Okay, if that didn't work, how about this....

I would if I was going to be there, but I can't because I won't. I will be there one week at the most. I stop by there to see one of my life long friends who is there sometimes. It's a long story. There are no good inexpensive RV parks around Atlanta. The one up at lake Alatoona wants about $40 a night. I'm looking into the Corp of Engineers Parks that are up in that area.
You can park it at my house & use my 'facilities' instead of hooking it up somewhere, if that works.
Good morning, gang! Olivia, I'll have to read back to see what all the German swearing is about.
Robbie, safe journey.
I'm skipping my Monday a.m. workout. don't know if I feel relieved or regretful. :-(
Good morning! Quinn, my girlfriend and I always speak good morning to each other, but congrats to you for knowing how to spell it!

Have a great day all!
Buon giorno! Come va?

*Classes nearly over for the year. Phew.*
Buenos dias, mi amiga hermosa. Esta bien, y tu?

(yeah, yeah, I know you're speaking in Italian, but espanol is all I got!)
Good afternoon, everyone! Sorry, I have no experience with other languages, English is it for me. I thought about learning another language after retiring, but that fell by the wayside.
Have a good evening.
It's never too late! But I really need to hang onto my English, too. (That's one reason I enjoy playing here!) I find myself losing a word or wondering if it's really English - we have so many words in common with French.

So, good morning to you all!

Here's a tasty breakfast to talk about. Croissants and coffee, anyone?

One of my favorite breakfasts :-)
Good Morning all...




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