TBD on Ning

Hello Folks,
Welcome to our little coffee shop, where we just gather when we want to
take a little break, chat with whomever might be here at the moment and
get to know each other. It's a friendly little place and everyone is
welcome. Just say hello and folks here should respond. If no one
happens to be here at the moment, just stick around or keep an eye on
the last post to see who pops up to greet you

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Hi, everyone, and good whatever time of day it is there - it's five here, so I guess it's still morning all over the US of A. I got busy this morning and hadn't turned on the machine until a bit ago. Tomorrow I'll be out most of the day on a nature walk, looking at life in pond water.

Faye, are you thinking of Morning Mayhem? It was a good group, lots of interesting discussions.
That was it.
Good morning everyone! I like the activity I see here. I have missed many people who used to stop by. Keep coming by and have a nice weekend.
Hi rhb! We keep missing each other.

Y'all have a great day! It rains real hard here, then stops. Sun's out again, so I think I'll get out while I can.
Hi, Wendy, happy Saturday to you too.
It's late here, have a glass of wine!
Hi, gang. I'm considering a Saturday afternoon nap.
Well, gang, I'm thinking of signing off and picking up my book as soon as I post a poem for the day on my workshop site. Nitey-nite...
Hi Chez! Good night to you! I'm thinking about dinner now. Saw a snake in my yard today, it scared the bejeebies out of me, so that ended my gardening for the afternoon. Took in a few garage sales, picked up some childrens' books for my granddaughter, and went to the grocery store. It's really hot and muggy here so I put the A/C on and I just might hang out here and watch some chick flicks for awhile. Sleep tight!
Hey everyone...I say lets go for the wine and not the coffee. Actually caffeine is bothering me lately so wine is a healthier choice....... ah I can justify so many things ;-)

Cat...did you send that snake packing yet? Just be careful of rocks they like to sun themselve I think.

Happy Saturday to all of you!
Good morning Olivia
second :-)




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