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There's a science museum that my children enjoy going to. Since they're in town, I thought we take a trip down there for old time's sake.
Hi Faye and welcome! Stick around, I think you'll like it here!
Wow, dg, I am so happy for you! You will knock 'em out, I'm sure. What day is your interview? I'll send vibes for Casey and some extra big ones for you on the day. Between Tee's operation and OH's eye-poke, I've really got them going full blast.

Science museums can be fun. Since they're usually for kids, it's just right for me.

That makes me think of a TV show they used to have on the educational channel here, with a scientist and a chef who would do a recipe and show how the chemistry worked in it - it was fascinating, and they had adorable personalities so it was a lot of fun, too.

Herve This, the scientist, promoted what he called 'cuisine moleculaire' which has become quite popular in recent years.

He's not in it, but this is one of his recipes, an eggless mousse, which I shall try one day - the idea of eating raw egg whites in mousse has always revolted me.
Now you've done it. I didn't know that. Now I'll have to fry my mousse until it is hard before I eat it. I don't like runny eggs let alone raw ones.
Oh BTW. I didn't move up to Ft. Hood today. I called to turn down the camp host position and was told about another opening. So, loaded Happy into the car and drove the 80 mi out to look at it. It is not quite as remote but no where near as nice. While there one of the park employees told me about another one that is open. So I drove another 30 Mi. to look at it. It was much better. Had a really nice RV site with a 16 ft high metal roof over it. The park doesn't have a boat ramp, but I don't have a boat. It does border the lake though, so there is fishing. The verizon air card worked very well, so I would be able to get on tbd. I called the hiring lady. She informed me that the position was already filled by a couple. Oh well. It was only a few miles from Marble Falls, which is a neat town of about 5000 people. I think I would have liked it.

Tomorrow I'll be on the move again.
Hi, gang. Hope everyone's well & happy this evening.

Robbie, you've really been up & down & all around w/the camp host positions in that area. Sounds like you've to decided moving on is the answer for now. And I think that means I'll be crossing paths w/Happy soon! Oh! And you, too, of course. '-)
I'm not a big mousse fan, Chez, but I do quite like chocolate-mole! mmm.....!!!
Tx, Chez. My interview is next Thursday. Coincidentally (or not '-) my guy ALSO has an interview next Thursday! So we shopped together @ Macy's remotely today. I found it quite fun. I'm thinking he didn't quite enjoy it as much as I did. hehehe. I racked up for myself & for him. I got $135 worth of clothes for myself for $73. I found things for him at my Macy's that weren't at his, so I took pics on my cell phone & wound up buying him a pair of slacks & a sportcoat that were originally $415 for $188! I'll ship them up Priority Mail in the a.m. & he'll have them in time for the interview. Have I ever mentioned that I'm charmed? "-) yep. Really neat stuff like that happens to me regularly. So I'm a happy camper tonight. Except for my neck, which still hurts so bad I can't even turn my head. ;-p
Girl, you've got the touch. My husband would have loved you; he hated to shop for his own clothes. He'd get in the mood two or three times a year, and I'd drop everything to get it done. (Hush. You know what I'm sayin' here.) And I do love a good bargain, so I'm gloating with you.
Good morning, gang. Anyone around?
I'm checking in. but I have to do the old, move to the next campgtound shuffle this morning so won't be on much today. You guys have fun, fun, fun.
Good morning. Just peeking in to say, "hi". What was the name of that old group from TBD1? That had an Old Lady for a mascot? I have one of those old coffee mugs with her picture on it.
Have you thought about making a coffee mug for this group?




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