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I'm just outside Seattle, and will be here for another couple weeks.
Are still currently in France?
Yep, in my stone house in the vineyards.
Sounds like you may be living the dream
Just wondering that about me too Pru. Good Morning!
I'm still hanging around if anyone comes in. Looking to chat.
Hi Chez, Cuppa must have missed your question. Or he's trying to hide. I think he is near Seattle. Think that's near your old stomping ground.
Back in the 80's I had a team of electronic maintenance engineers and techs on Ft. Lewis. Got out their a couple times. Then from 1997 to 2006 I made a trip through their each year. My friend in Coeur d' Alene has a daughter in Seattle. I used to fly into SEATAC and stay at her place. The Cd'L bunch would come by and spend the night and then us guys would head on up to Anacortes and take the boat onto the ferry to San Juan Island. Get off at Friday Harbour, drive across to Roche Harbor, launch the boat, park the truck and trailor and take the boat over to Stuart Island. He owns an A Frame there. This would be in April or early May. We would spend a week there getting it open and ready for his family for the summer season. There were usually 5 to 12 guys. We called it the "Male Bonding and Spitting Week" Could have been some other discriptive words like cussing, drinking and farting thrown in. However He and 4 or 5 of the others had all gone to divenity school together and were, or had at one time been, ordained ministers so things never go too far out of hand. BTW Having been their made the book "Snow Falling On Cedars" that much more enjoyable.
Never saw the movie, but understand it wasn't that good.
Hi Robbie, That book was so good I'm thinking of getting another copy of it.
I was up in Anacortes all day yesterday. and I have been on the ferries out through the San Juan islands to Vancouver. Beautiful out there.
I love the San Juans; that's a gorgeous ferry ride.

If we had retired in the States, I'd probably be in Port Townsend or on Vashon Island now. Or still on Capitol Hill - it's a great neighborhood.
I spent a few days in Port Townsend last fall. What a wonderful place. but if you are talking about Capitol Hill in DC, I spent eleven miserable years there. I'm assuming your Capitol Hill may be around here somewhere.




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