TBD on Ning

The thing about getting older is that, unless you look in the mirror, you still think of yourself a young and good looking. You look at other people your own age and think "old guy" until you realize that they are probably younger than you. It happened to me on the bus. 2 guys were talking about their birthdays, I glanced at them and thought "old guys talking about what used to be." After a while one of the guys said "yep, I'll be 52 on Sunday." (OH MY GAWD, THAT IS 61/2 years younger than I am!!!!!!)

Anyway, my question for you is, when was the first time you noticed that you were getting older?

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I first felt old when I saw that "dividing line" paper that some sociologist published a few years back. He established a current line in the sand between "young" and "old" at the year 1980. According to him, anyone born after 1980 is "young", because:

To anyone born after 1980, John Lennon, John F. Kennedy, Elvis, Martin Luther King Jr, Jimi Hendrix, Malcolm X, Bob Marley, Bobby Kennedy, Janis Joplin and Jim Morrison have always been dead.

The Viet Nam War, the first Moon Landing, Watergate and the only resignation of a United States president, the Iran Hostage Crisis and Three Mile Island have always been history.

They've always had multiple cable TV's with a hundred channels, cordless phones, the internet and high gas prices.

The interesting thing, of course, will be to see what the world is like when somebody draws the next demarcation between the currently "young" generation and the next one.
One of the first times I felt I was getting older was a few years ago, when I'd taken in a 2-legged stray (I usually take in 4 legged strays, but there've been an array of 2-legged ones as well). Anyway, he was an 18 year old high school student. One day a service person was doing some work on the house & walked into the den & said to me that my son told him he could find me there. My son! I thought. Sheesh. I was really offended. Then I did the math.... not only could he have been my son, I wouldn't have even been all that young if I'd had him! ;-p

I've inadvertently acquired insurance against feeling old that I am thoroughly enjoying. The beautiful love of my life is a bit younger than me. He often looks at me & in surprise, shakes his head & says, "there is no way you're 48. I wanna see a birth certificate." mmm.... what a confidence booster. And he's not even trying to score points; he knows he has more points in the bank than he'll ever be able to use. '-)
My hair has gone a multitude of colors naturally, which seems to be all the rage. Hairdressers approach me in places like restaurants to tell me they admire it. Funny - I colored or highlighted my hair for years. Now it's gone all these shades of gray & golden blonde & dirty blonde, w/streaks & everything - better than a high end colorist could do! ;-p
Same here, though I haven't fooled with the color since I was thirty.

To tell the truth, it's my chin that gives me away. It's gotten unruly.

(Yep, that's a mushroom in my hand! :-D)
yep, I'm appalled at my chin - those "Lifestyle Lifts" are looking better & better every day!
cropping is my favorite editing tool now! ;-p

Yes! My chin definitely shows my age, I wear lots of turtlenecks in the wintertime. I have scarves, but am not sure how to wear them.
This is about the most effective style I've found. A little stuffy in the summertime, though.

Thank you, Chez!
LOL, Chez!
My thank you was for what you said about my hair. The LOL is for the cowboy in the bandanna pic! :-D
I guess it all started for me when my friends kept asking me why I keep bringing my grandma (wife) to social gatherings. Oh.....the humiliation of it all :)
Oooohhh, you are getting in deep! Just hope she never sees that!
She knows she looks better than me :) It was the aches and pains for me. Like somebody flicked a switch at about fifty yrs. old. That and the gettin' lazy stuff :)




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