What is it about you that makes you worth falling in love with? What would make someone take a second glance, ask you out, flirt with you, and ultimately fall in love with you?
Wouldn't that depend on what the other person looks for in a person?
I know [or think I do :-)] what my good qualities are, but maybe they aren't attractive to everyone...
My shoes, I have six pair, Red Wing Logger boots for heavy work, firemen boots for wet work, black dress shoes for my suit, brush suede for casual affairs, light weight hiking shoes for recreation and exercise, and flip flops for when I can't make up my mind.... This tells my potential love bunnies that I am sensible, stylish, hard working, in good shape, and fun ..... I'm thinking about getting some candy cherry pumps, to let them know I have the kink thing going on too .....
Yeah, I am. In fact, that's what started this whole thread. Not only that but I'm almost old, kind'a ugly, read and write more than I talk, slow on the up-take, and often a procrastinator. GAWD, I'm a mess!