TBD on Ning

Sarah Palin is now speaking out about the oil spill in the....what's that.....she's not speaking out....she remains strangely silent? That's not like Sarah. Perhaps she's not feeling well...or something.

Where is the bluster now, Ms. I can't shut the hell up?

Click here to check out her past greatest hits on energy policy.

Tags: Palin, Sarah, check, energy, idiots, policy, politics, reality

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I must agree that "SHUT THE F**K UP AND GO FREEZE YOUR NIPPLES ON THE MELTING TUNDRA" pretty much sums it up.

Had the MSN (gawd listen to me!) ignored this classless bimbo after her loss to Mc "I am NOT a Mavrick" loser...she'd have faded into the tall grass where she belongs.
You know, until this moment it didn't really register. But, I deeply suspect the extreme vituperativeness regarding Sarah Palin is at it's heart, sexist.
I think you're quite wrong, but I'll let some of the other intelligent ladies on this board speak about that aspect. All I can do is tell you my experience. I asked my EX why she detested her so when she first popped onto the radar from absolutely no where. From Day One, my ex damned near broke the screen every time the Great Alaska Quitter showed up. When I asked why...she said...

"She's the embodiment of everything I ever detested about high school. The failed prom queen who simply cannot give up the spot light. She hasn't got a clue...hasn't got one shred of a brain...except when it comes to manipulating weak men...at which she excells. She lost the limelight after high school, found out in college that she really DID have to think...that her tits and wink weren't going to transfer into grades OR friends...and so she looked for another spotlight...and sadly found politicians who DO grade on tits and winks."

In one respect, you're quite right..it IS sexist...she's exploiting horny men for all their worth. $12 million last I heard. Damned good wages for a 'on call' girl.
Actually....most of your reasons for disliking Sarah seem sexist. But sexism is so pervasive in the world , most folks aren't even aware they do it.

Mrs. Palin's feminine wiles and folksiness aren't my cup of tea. But the people that are out there throwing all that money at her must feel they're getting value for their money. They're entitled to do that, just as she is entitled to accept their offers.

Your ex-wife really needs to let her high school traumas go. They were a long time ago, and seem to be making her very unhappy.
I was quite willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. After all, there are some VERY intelligent women on both sides of the aisle. In Washington (yes...back "home") we have two senators who are extremely sharp. There are even, gasp, a few conservative ladies who I'd not like to try to debate...deep thinkers. Senator Snow from Maine (how fitting is THAT?) comes instantly to mind.

Sarah Palin is not in their league.

She was handed two softballs...cupcakes that any REAL politician would have eaten up and spit back....HARD

"Explain the Bush Policy." and "What newspapers do you read on a daily basis."

When she couldn't even come up with the name of her HOME TOWN PAPER...it was obvious that the pitcher was not just empty, but hadn't held much to begin with.

Now I see her as a walking, talking caricature, the physical, live embodiment of absolutely every political joke ever penned...mouthing hot button sound bytes without a CLUE about what they actually MEAN...who doesn't understand that half of the country is laughing...out loud at her...while that 20% that do follow her is composed mostly of white, over weight tax cryers hoping she'll have a wardrobe malfunction.

If this is sexist...so be it.
Actually, that wasn't. Your fixation on her breasts though is.
You can do whatever you like. I just call 'em as I see 'em. You have to admit that there is a double standard in this country. My criticism of Hatter isn't that he dislikes Sarah Palin. Hell, most Republicans don't like her. My criticism lies in his implication she's brainless because she's attractive, and is using her wiles to entice helpless, knuckledragging, conservative voters.
And yes, women are shielded from this. In a corporate world, if you call a guy a prick, it's acceptable. If you call a woman a cunt, that's an HR issue.
I am like the last guy in the world that defends Sarah Palin. But I aware enough to realize a significant amount of the criticism of her is knee-jerk sexism.
Would you throw out the gender card if palin was a male and madhatter said he has his dick stuck up his ass?

Jesus Christ, who taught you how to curse? You're really really bad at it.

Herein lies the problem. Hatter would never have referred to a male Sarah Palin as a "brainless bimbo", or waxed so eloquently about "tits and winks" if Sarah were a man.

The long and short of it; attractive male politicians get called "Presidential", attractive female politicians get called "bimbo".
Hatter would never have referred to a male Sarah Palin as a "brainless bimbo", or waxed so eloquently about "tits and winks" if Sarah were a man.

Quite true....but she IS a bimbo who relies on her sex and sexuality to get by in this world. If she were a man, she'd NEVER have been taken seriously because people wouldn't have been stopped (or stunned...like a deer in the headlights) and dismissed "him" instantly as an ignorant ass hole.
Brujo...A lot of the appeal of Palin is sexist, too. I've suggested to several guys at work that the only reason they'd vote for her is because she's the first politician in their lives by whom they'd LIKE to get fucked, and they laughed and slapped their legs and agreed with me and really couldn't recognize the pity on my face.

As for me - I've never thought she was incompetent just because she's an x chromo...I thought she was incompetent after I heard open her yawp and make a fool of herself from coast to coast, her gender be damned. First and foremost, I loathe her for her ideas and "beliefs" (If she really has any) - but, evaluating her as a woman - She's a shameless embarrassment to hard-working, honest, dignified women who have striven, suffered and overcome sexism in our society, only to have a strutting egotist like Palin swoop in and pretend that she's fought the same battles as they have - While actually having done nothing BUT exploit her looks and proclaim herself a "victim" every time she sticks her own foot in her mouth or sticks a knife in her former allies' backs. She is no More Susan B. Anthony than she is Joan of Arc.

I really don't see her as any gender - What I see is just another ruthless, self-worshiping opportunist, with far more ambition than brains.
My criticism lies in his implication she's brainless because she's attractive, and is using her wiles to entice helpless, knuckledragging, conservative voters.

But she IS brainless....and 'attractive' is relative. A cobra is 'attractive'. Hell, even a gorilla is attractive...to other gorillas. And if you don't think she's using her sex to attract attention, you're not a man. "Helpless" has little to do with it....I never implied helpless. That they follow her at all doesn't make them helpless per se. Mindless is another story.
It is sad, the so called conservatives could find well-versed female to rally around. One would think after more than a year of exposure to national politics, she would have a basic understanding of national and international politics. But no no, knowing a lot about politics is elitism, she would rather stay damn. Then again, if she become well versed, these bigots wouldn't embrace her. because they want the Manchurian candidate.




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