TBD on Ning

This is like the 6 & 7 Letter Word Games but way more CoMpLiCaTeD!!

5 Letter Word + Make A Sentence + Tag Team Story

Word Game Trifecta!

1) Form a new word from the current word by rearranging the letters &/or changing
ONE letter only.

2) Include your new word in a sentence.

3) Sentence must build on the previous sentence to tell a story! ;-P

May 2, 2010 Update: Okay - this is the best Wordle custom graphic for our games yet! lol!
Chez' "Only a SICKO would kick a chicken" tickles my funny bone! "-D

Tags: Letters, Make_A_Sentence, Tag_Team_Story, Word_Game

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Which will be fine if they don't cost more than fifty cents.
Will the musicians be fine gents?
How about we pitch tents on the beach and make it a toned down, but delightful Hawaiian Woodstock, of sorts?
We could sit on a stone to listen.
. . . to all the different tones of the musical instruments, all the while taking care not to get a sunburn.
If you look up in that tree, you can see two bird nests.
And those birds likely don't particularly differentiate their easts from their wests.
Aw, Tab, don't tease those birds, you silly cat!
Taylor, don't you know that those birds give cats a new lease on life!
Well, at least just tease them, and don't have them as a snack!
Our cats are not encouraged to indulge in a birdie feast; however, it does happen on occasion.
Well, you know, besides being fun to catch in flight, those birds just taste so good!




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