TBD on Ning

Welcome to the Gathering Place, come in sit a while, refresh

yourself with our brewed coffee, tea, hot coco and a dew or two.

We have fresh baked goodies to nibble on just in case you might be

a tad hungry, too.......Your money isn't any good here, but your

friendship is valued, so come on in and enjoy yourself...if no one is here

please just leave a note to let us know you came by to visit....:)


Mary- Manager

Lynn- Bartender

I also have the Gathering Place...that I set up in a group on EONS...so please drop in

and say hi there too!.......


Hot Coffee and a Dew for my Jeff

and a cola for Dot and anyone else

Tags: Fellowship, Friends, Fun, Humor, Music

Views: 504

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LOL I'm home now...........yay!! and yes he does have wings
and not a bad bod either.....lol
Wings mabe be put to good use lol
A little behind but Happy Saturday chickie mary,jeffie,ladyg,lynn and everybody else i miss comming through.Its a rannie day today but cant complain cause have had some beautifull weather this week and hopfull the sun will shine tomorow for Easter.Be back through later.hugs.
hello ..hello..hello!! ..dang i can hear my echo in this emty room! ..
Well I'm home now, but have several chores to do before I can play:)
I'll be back in a little while...~Hugs~
Saturday, and I got a good visit from my son, who's in town for the weekend. yay!
Yay...way cool Lynn, know that's made this weekend extra special for you!

Well yes ...if u call doing chores terrific....lol tho almost done..(I hope)
hello..hello helloooo......hummmm ...still can hear my echo! .....spooky!!!!




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