TBD on Ning

Not sure what happened to #1 but no matter.

Please finish this partial sentence and then begin a new thread with your original teaser.

TBD seems especially

Tags: #2, Finish, Game, Sentence, the

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garbage before throwing it into the truck. He suspects him of being an agent for the...
RRTRIB: Regional Recycling:Trash Ratio Investigating Bureau.

Forget trash & recycling; how 'bout them
rats getting the trash and the trash man.

The rats are so big..
they have been known to carry off the garbage man and his truck, thinking they were both fair game for eager up and coming rats who gotta make a living doing their thing.

Now that is a . . .
fish tale.
Cats, like Tabitha, on the other hand . . .
don't have to worry about chasing mice or rats or anything like that; her only worries are making sure the other cats don't eat her special food and she gets her daily attention and brushing.

Sometimes Angel and Asia like to . . .
bask in the sun at the window & Tabitha sneaks over & gets THEIR special food while they're distracted.

On gray days . . .
...they know how to turn on the heater and they sit on it until the sun comes out again. They enjoy watching the gold fish in their aquarium, which they think is better than television - except for one program:
Alas our three cats are more like slugs -- happy to lay around and sleep these lives away. Their favorite places include any available piece of furniture. They sometimes "invite" us to leave a chair or couch so that they may take up residence there. Nothing shy about these cats.

Perhaps we could leash train them . . . .
...so that they could take us out for a walk once in a while. The exercise would do us all good. Catnapping is fine, but...
puppies need their sleep too. What do you think puppies dream about? Could they possible be dreaming...
people that like to tailgate, maybe it will teach them to 'HEEL".

I saw the ugliest....




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